Little Women shows life in 19th century


Allison Little

“Little Woman” is and will forever be a classic. The book came out in 1868 and is still popular.

Allison Little, Reporter

In the book “Little Women,” by Louisa May Alcott four sisters traverse the problems of being a woman in the 19th century.  

The beginning of the book takes place during the Civil War. The father was off fighting in the war, and the family was financially struggling. The father was injured, but survived and wasn’t allowed to go back to the war. However, others started to leave the house.

As Amy pursues her career in art she learns a lot about herself. Jo was a woman ahead of her time, while her search for independence led her to writing. The talented and kind Beth’s future was heartbreaking, but only brought the rest of the family closer. Amy’s travels made for fantastic literature. 

Throughout the book, the family worked through problems like sickness, marriage and other little things together. 

So many admire this classic because it provides a sense of joy and nothing more. The plot of the book could be considered boring, but the lack of far fetched theatre-like methods make it so special. The simplicity is so comforting. 

The book was lengthy; however, it was an easy read. The 472 pages only make you feel more connected to the book as it inevitably takes you some time to read it. The development clearly displayed in all the characters was eye opening and inspiring. 

It’s wonderful that Beth, Amy, Meg and so many others live on through the book that will be everlastingly popular no matter the generation.