Illustration by Emma McCloskey
Senior Trey Boore is a part of the Horseshoe yearbook and Mountain Echo staffs. He finds a great passion when it comes to photography.
In August of 2020, Boore started photography. He did a lot of research and watched a lot of Youtube videos to educate himself and gain more knowledge about photography.
“I think the basic photo rules are definitely something every photographer new or pro shoudl know; they is something they’ll need. Along with just getting creative with it and having fun with it,” Boore said.
Boore likes the creative aspect and meeting new people when it comes to photography.
“My main goal is to have fun with it and feel like it doesn’t have to be a chore and while doing that make a career out of it and to get to travel a lot,” Boore said.
Boore thinks the most inspiring thing about photography is making his imagination into a career. He loves that he can capture something people all around the world can see.
“There are always going to be challenges in photography, big and small. Whether it is gear malfunctioning, bad weather or an imperfect subject, the real challenge is to work around it and keep a positive mind set,” Boore said.
Boore expressed that he most enjoys being able to capture what he sees with his eyes and his imagination and making it come to life. He likes being able to share it with other people and get feedback or start a conversation about the picture or image. Boore hopes to make a career out of photography after high school.