As the school year continues to progress, some seniors think deeply and reflect on what their futures may hold for them. Some seniors such as Jenna Williams, Gabe Ebersole and Mayah Marasco have begun to dwell on their lives after high school.

Williams is a senior who takes part in school activities such as, cheerleading, golf, student ambassadors, junior academy of science, National Honor Society, senior class executive committee and SOAR. Once she finishes her experience at high school, she is excited about moving on to the future as she gets to see the world and make new friends to create memories with.
“Life after high school is full of opportunities,” WilIiams said. “I am very excited to see what I will do with my education and the job that I choose to pursue. I am looking forward to this next step and meeting so many new people in college.”
When Williams graduates, she plans on furthering her education by attending a four year college to pursue a career in the medical field.
“After graduation, I plan to attend college and complete a four year nursing BSN program. I will become a registered nurse and work for the required four years in the program before attending graduate school and becoming a nurse practitioner. I would like to specialize in pediatrics or women’s health,” Williams said.
Even though she has dealt with hard times, Williams feels that she is prepared for what is ahead as she has experienced opportunities that helped prepare her.
“I do feel like I have been well prepared for this next phase in my life. I feel this way because I have taken honors and AP classes that have shown me what college course work will be like,” Williams said. “I have also experienced many challenges such as the pandemic. The pandemic has taught me how to stay strong in difficult times. I have learned that there is always light at the end of the tunnel even if you can’t always see it.”
According to Williams, the biggest obstacle she thinks she will have to face is the work she will receive with her major.
“Nursing is a hard program, and I think that it will take a lot of discipline to successfully stay on track,” Williams said. “I also think that I need to realize that it is impossible to be perfect. Sometimes it is okay to make mistakes because that is how humans learn and grow.”
William’s decision to pursue a career in the medical field was influenced by people in her life.
“The driving force in my decision would be my parents and my ability to easily understand medical concepts,” Williams said.
As Williams is excited about her endeavors in the future, she also has fears about what is ahead.
“The biggest fear I have about my future is finding a career that I am truly passionate about and enjoy doing. I fear that I will complete all four years of school and not truly like the job that I will have. I believe that passion always wins and I want to truly find my passion,” Williams said.
Throughout high school, Williams has learned things that she will remember and carry with her as her future evolves.
“I learned that you have to be careful who you trust and the only person who is going to be there for you. You get to control your thoughts so always keep them positive and be cautious of your mental health. I have also learned that you must work for the things you want and the harder you work the farther you will go,” Williams said.
Imagining what it would be like, Williams thinks about what she wants her future to be and how it will look in years ahead.
“In the future I want to live in Waco or Fort Worth, Texas. I want to travel the world and visit every state and as many countries as possible. I want to stay and feel young as long as I can,” Williams said. “I see myself being a pediatric nurse practitioner and having a big family.”
If Williams could, she would want her future self to give her advice.
“I would tell myself to remember that the world is so big and the opportunities are endless. If there is something you want to do then at least try. You never know what will happen if you don’t,” Williams said.

Ebersole takes part in cross country and track at the high school and is a senior who is currently thinking about what his future will look like.
“I’m excited for life after high school because it’s where we get to make choices for ourselves and become adults,” Ebersole said.
After graduation, Ebersole has made plans to attend college and take part in a sport at the school.
“I’m going to college at Point Park next fall for sports broadcasting and to run track and cross country,” Ebersole said.
According to Ebersole, he feels that he is well prepared to move onto the next phase of his life after graduating.
“I feel prepared because my parents raised me to be able to make good choices on my own,” Ebersole said. “Time management will be an obstacle because I won’t be able to do everything at the last minute.”
Like some other seniors, Ebersole wants a career in the future which is the reason for his decision to major in sports broadcasting.
“A future career because college is an investment to help you secure a good job and life down the road,” Ebersole said.
Even though there are things to be excited about, Ebersole has some fears about his future.
“Cooking for myself because my chef skills are very limited outside of the toaster and microwave,” Ebersole said.
As Ebersole has been in high school, he has learned some lessons that he will carry with him and remember as he goes through life.
“In high school I learned that what other people think really doesn’t matter. No matter what you do you’ll never please everyone,” Ebersole said. “Just do what makes you happy and be a good person.”
Some people plan and picture what their future would look like, but Ebersole does not have an exact idea of what his future will be.
“I don’t really have an exact future planned out because plans change anyway so as long as I graduate college and get a job that’s all I really have planned at the moment,” Ebersole said.
If his future self could, Ebersole would want to tell himself something about his future.
“I’d want my future self to tell me something that I regret doing in the future so I could do it differently,” Ebersole said.

Marasco is a senior who is a part of student council, student ambassadors, key club, SADD, National Honors Society and senior class committee. As her senior year continues, Marasco prepares for her future in multiple ways.
“After graduation, I am planning on attending Penn State Altoona, and studying in their nursing program,”Marasco said.
The beginning of her future has Marasco excited as she anticipates her future and the career she will be pursuing.
“All of my life, I have wanted and enjoyed helping people,” Marasco said. “I believe that I am somewhat prepared to move onto college because I have pushed myself in high school to obtain good grades and stay motivated even during obstacles.”
Although she feels prepared in some ways, she also feels that there are certain elements of life she could be more prepared for.
“I wish that I was more prepared for adult responsibilities,” Marasco said. “I think that when I start college, I will have to face keeping myself on a schedule without having adults remind me of deadlines,” Marasco said.
Marasco was influenced to become a nurse when she realized the impact she could have on people.
“Knowing that I could provide people with care and helping them heal drove me to decide to become a nurse,” Marasco said.
While Marasco can’t predict her future, she still desires to be successful in what she endeavors in her life.
“I hope to have a successful future by graduating with a degree, and getting a good job in the medical field,” Marasco said.