Jayla Nartatez
With the school day beginning at 7:55 a.m., some students feel that starting school at this time is too early and believe that school should start at a later time.
Senior Danielle Mueller believes the school day should begin at around 9 a.m. to provide students with the correct amount of sleep to be prepared for their day ahead of them.
“It would really benefit us to start later because I know a lot of students who are in many activities, so they are staying up very late and kids need at least eight hours of sleep, so that would allow us to have that,” Mueller said.
Like Mueller, junior Katie Hovan shares the same opinion and thinks that the students will pay more attention in class if the school day began later.
“People will be more attentive and awake instead of having to wake up at five or six in the morning and have to come for an entire day just to be tired and do homework too,” Hovan said.
Being able to start school at a later time makes freshman Lincoln Frank believe that it will improve the lives of students.
“I think it would let students get more rest and be able to think clearly if we started at a later time and it would allow students to have more time to do their homework and let everyone have clearer thoughts throughout the day,” Frank said.
Hovan thinks a fair time to begin school is at 8:30 a.m. as it would provide her with more time to be prepared and allow her, as well as other students, to be more awake during class.
“I get up at around 6:20 a.m., and I am not a morning person, so I do not like getting up. Once I get moving then I am okay, but at the same time, I do not like to get up that early in the morning,” Hovan said.
As someone who experiences trouble sleeping, Frank feels that if he had more time to rest, he would be able to interact and learn with those around him more.
“I would definitely engage with my peers more, and I would be more likely to answer questions because I would be more awake,” Frank said.
Having that extra time to prepare, Mueller feels her experience at school would be better.
“I would be happier talking to other people in the morning and probably remember things better from the night before studying,” Mueller said. “I would also be more productive in class.”
From experiences Hovan has undergone, she believes there are some good reasons to start school at a later time.
“I am always late to things so I am always running to my bus, so being able to start school at a later time would help me to be able to get stuff done and be more organized,” Hovan said.
Although there could be complications and different opinions, some students feel that it would be best to start their school day at a later time to benefit some of their needs as high school students.