Justin Bieber, Def Jam, RBMG, SB Projects, Schoolboy, Universal, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
If you are looking for a new album to listen to, Justin Bieber’s latest album, “Justice”, with over 157.02 million streams is worth the listen. The album made its debut on March 19, 2021 and consists of 17 songs that are sung by Bieber and feature other big artists.
Since his break from the stage in 2017, Bieber had taken time to focus on his health and hoped to come back on stage with new music. Although he came back with the album, “Changes”, in 2020, it did not receive the attention he had hoped, so he got back into the studio and created the album “Justice”, which has allowed him to take the stage yet again as he is currently on the “Justice World Tour”.
The songs composed on the album bring many different emotions when I listen as they are catchy, heartfelt, inspiring and eye opening. As I began to listen and focus on the music, it was apparent that Beiber poured his heart into his music as every song portrayed a message. After listening to each song a few times, I remembered the lyrics and began to sing along as they were all so powerful.
Still listening to this today, I feel motivated when I listen to these songs and can relate to what he is expressing. As I continue to listen, I am driven by the sound of the beat as they are all so unique. The beat to each song is what makes it so great as one song will start off really slow and the beat gradually changes while another song starts off upbeat and continues throughout. Since Beiber’s life has changed so much, so have his lyrics. Each song on the album contained heartfelt lyrics about his wife, life, past and so much more that made it all so interesting and touching to hear.
As Beiber took this album to make a come back, he also wanted to show that change is possible and shares who he wants to be as he states, “I just want to be somebody who can say, ‘Look, I did some things that I’m not too proud of, but I took a look in the mirror and decided to make some changes, and you can too.” Hearing and understanding how he feels, makes listening to the album much more enjoyable since I realize where he is coming from and how important music is to him.
Although his older albums, such as “Purpose” and “Believe” were not my favorite for the lack of purpose in his music, “Justice” has easily become one of my favorite albums I have ever listened to. As his previous albums reflected many different things, his newest album focuses on meaningful things in his life that I feel many can relate to as what he dealt with in his life was truly something that changed him.
This album has been his greatest one yet as I would give it a 4.8 out of 5 stars. Even though I believe that all the songs on his album are great, my favorite would have to be “As I Am” for the incredible message of people loving who you are just the way you are. I love the tempo of the song as it starts out slow with his soft voice and then evolves into something great with a stunner beat. What he has created is truly something incredible as well as the return he has made, which makes me excited for what he has next.