Allison Little
The mugs are in all different colors. They can still be purchased in room 229.
Art teacher Eric Hoover and artist in residence Bob Zabrosky decided to make and sell mugs in order to raise money for the National Art Honor Society. They have been selling mugs for two weeks, and they will sell them until there are none left.
This is not the first time Hoover sold mugs in order to raise money. Hoover sold mugs a total of three times but only twice at Altoona.
“I’ve worked with Bob for 14 years, but this is the third time I’ve made mugs with him. The first time we sold them we bought a piece of machinery for the classroom, and this time, I thought we would give it to the kids,” Hoover said.
The process of making these mugs has different steps.
“First, we get our clay, which we throw into the cylinder. Then, we stretch a handle and put the little emblems on the mugs. Then, we make the emblems and stick them to the mug, then we do something called a bisque fire. After the bisque fire, we glaze it, then we have to fire it again in the kiln. So throughout the course of time that the mugs are made, it is handled multiple times by multiple people. So it’s a big group project,” Hoover said.
Hoover sometimes gives mugs away for free to maintenance workers.
“I have given some mugs to workers who have fixed sinks and equipment, as well as the janitors who clean my dirty and dusty classroom on a regular basis. You need to take care of the people who take care of you,” Hoover said.
Hoover and Zabrosky decided to give the proceeds to the National Art Honor Society (NAHS).
“Due to COVID-19, NAHS has less enrollment than we’ve had in the past, and our funds dropped significantly because of that. So in order to give scholarships to members of the honors society, we have decided to sell mugs to fund the scholarships and help kids out,” Hoover said.
Zabrosky has been involved anytime Hoover has sold mugs. Zabrosky is currently doing a two week residency with Southern Allegheny Museum of Art. He has done residencies in Altoona in the past.
“I like to help out even if it’s just a little bit and Hoover does it for the National Art Honors Society, which I think is a great cause,” Zabrosky said.
A total of 38 mugs have been sold since the fundraiser started. Mugs are priced at $10 a piece.
“I feel that we started a bit late in the year and sales are not as high as in the past. We will continue to sell them until they are gone,” Hoover said.
Freshman Gracie Gioiosa purchased a mug.
“I bought the mug because they are really pretty and I thought it was nice that they benefited the school. I really like my mug because it is a nice size, it keeps my coffee warm and it has beautiful colors,” Gioiosa said.
There are only 43 mugs left to buy.