Spayd’s SAT Google Classroom begins


Myah Lear

SAT Time Some students use the SAT Google Classroom to prepare for the SAT.

Myah Lear, Media Manager

The Google Classroom for Doug Spayd’s SAT practice has been opened for students to join.

“About 12 years ago, the S.A.T. scores for the AAHS were in a declining pattern, so I decided to start a voluntary math practice program for students, who were willing to practice, to improve their S.A.T. math scores,” math teacher Doug Spayd said. “Up until the 2018-19 school year, I would plan, create and distribute S.A.T. math materials to any AAHS student that was interested in participating. However, when COVID-19 shut down the schools, I created a Google Classroom site for AAHS students to obtain the S.A.T. math practice materials.”

The classroom code for the class is 2uf56pd. The classroom has practice tests and quizzes with answer keys available to check work. Information about the SAT and College Board will also be available.