Allison Little
“Muder Mystery” stars Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. The movie was released in 2019.
“Murder Mystery” is a 2019 mystery and comedy movie. The movie stars Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston and Luke Evans.
“Murder Mystery” is a story of a hairdressee, Audrey Spitz, and a cop, Nick Spitz, from New York city who are looking to celebrate their anniversary in Europe. When on their flight, they meet a viscount named Charles Cavendish. Cavendish invites them on his yacht.
When they arrive at the yacht, they meet many other important characters. Everyone meets to discuss the will of a billionaire. While discussing, the lights go out and the first murder is committed.
The movie allows viewers to guess who the murderer is along with the characters. The story follows the Spitz’s and them trying to prove their innocence.
Mixing mystery and comedy is very difficult, but the director of this film, Kyle Newacheck, did a great job telling an intricate plot while also making the movie funny. The movie made me laugh numerous times. Adam Sandler delivered every joke perfectly, and the humorous parts were very well-written.
The plot of the movie kept me on my toes the whole time. I usually have a pretty good guess who the killer is by the end of a mystery movie, but this one was different. Throughout the entire movie, I had no clue who to believe was the culprit. The plot had many different twists and turns, and the twist at the end made this movie even better.
The characters in this movie were amazing. Adams Sandler’s character had great development. At the beginning of the story, the character was lying to his wife, but towards the end of the movie, he resolved the issue and everything turned out great with their marriage. Also, the character diversity was refreshing. Every single character was unique, and it made the movie even more interesting.
The cinematography in the movie was also fantastic. The action scenes were very well captured, and the whole mood of the movie was great. The setting was pretty and interesting, so it made people even more inclined to continue watching the movie.
The actors in this movie were incredibly well cast. Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler have worked together in other movies, so they were perfect as the two leads in this movie. Luke Evans was also fantastic in this movie.
Although this movie was fantastic, I do have one complaint. The movie was a little confusing at times. The plot, although fantastic, was somewhat hard to keep up with. There were lots of minuscule details that came back to be very important, so if an individual weren’t paying attention to little things, it could be confusing.
“Murder Mystery” was created in 2019 and is available on Netflix. There will be a “Murder Mystery 2” on Netflix at a later date. Sandler and Aniston will be returning to their leading roles. However, Jermy Garelick will be the new director. He will be replacing the director for the first movie, Kyle Newacheck.
“Murder Mystery” was a fantastic movie. I would give it five out of five stars. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys watching mystery movies or comedy movies.