Courtesy of Talen Turiano
A group photo of students who went to a bible study. They spent their afternoon in prayer and worship.
A group of students started a Bible study group for their Genius Hour project in 2022 when they had to create a project about something they were passionate about.
“Originally when we started the group, we were supposed to get it approved by the school board. We had to create bylaws and everything. But then, as time went on, Mr. Neely said that we just need principal approval. So we got his approval, and we were able to start this group,” junior Talen Turiano said.
It takes a group of people to come together to create something meaningful to them and to be able to spread it to others, they need to be a team.
“For our Bible study called Mountain Movers, we have different leaders. We have myself as the head leader and the spokesperson, then we have [junior] Karinna Wolfe who is in charge of our lesson organization. We have [freshman] Olivia Wolfe, who is in charge of our worship time. We have [sophomore] Joshua Wolfe, who’s in charge of our games and then we have [sophomore] Sage Bower, who is in charge of our social media and publication,” Turiano said. “It’s just a time where Christians, or anybody that’s curious about faith, can come and hang out and learn about Jesus,” Turiano said.
“I am the Executive Lesson Leader of the Altoona Mountain Lion Mountain Movers Club. Alongside my partner, Talen Turiano, I study the Bible in order to prepare a lesson for our discussions. He and I base everything we talk about on God’s Word and explain how He speaks to us. We also show students how to apply everything the Bible says to their struggles and life experiences. We answer questions, share examples from our own lives and dive into what the Lord wants to say. I am blessed to hold this position as a leader, and am excited to see what God has planned for Mountain Movers,” K. Wolfe said.
“My role in the Bible study is as the praise and worship leader. I choose three songs for our group to sing along to each week. Worship allows people to focus on God, so I try to choose good songs that glorify God and praise Him. Worship through song can be a powerful way for people to connect with the Lord.” O. Wolfe said.
“I am a member of the Executive Committee, and I am the games coordinator for our meetings. I pick the games we play, contribute to discussions during lessons, and I help answer questions that someone might have,” J. Wolfe said.
Meetings take place in adviser Kelly Sipes’s room once a week on Wednesdays after school.
“We have an hour and a half when we come in, and we provide snacks. From 3:00 to 3:15 p.m., we have a game time. And then from 3:15 to 3:30 p.m., we have our worship time and then we have an hour-long lesson,” Turiano said.
“I am an adult presence in the room. I wanted to support the students I have in class. The students are doing a fantastic job of running and organizing all activities and lessons,” Sipes said. “I think it is important for students to have ways to positively connect with others within our school community. This group is one of many ways students can do that. Students have recognized there are others within our school that have the same mindset; allowing them to support each other in their daily struggles, celebrate their successes, ask questions and learn from each other.”
Bible study is about learning about Jesus and spreading love through all Christians. The idea of a Bible study at the school has been something that has been heavy on the hearts of the members for a while. They wanted to find a way to give an opportunity to introduce others to the saving grace of Jesus, and also create an environment where other believers could gather together in fellowship and encourage one another in their walk with Christ.
“It allows me to spread the love of Jesus to whoever shows up. It’s something that I really wanted to do, and I felt like I’m supposed to do it. It’s a lot of fun to hang out with other Christians,” Turiano said.
“Since I’ve accepted Christ as my Savior, becoming a Christian at the age of four, showing other people his love is so important to me. I want everyone to experience the salvation and fulfillment that I have because I walk with Jesus. Starting a Bible club at school was a great way to show people who God is in a world where people reject him,” K. Wolfe said.
O. Wolfe got involved in the study because she felt as if she could help others find Jesus and grow in her faith with them.
“Over the summer I was at a Christian conference camp and during my time there I could really feel God putting it on my heart to be a light to others around me. I felt that he was telling me I need to share his light in school since sometimes it can be such a dark place and many people struggle and need the love and help of Christ,” O. Wolfe said.
“I got involved for many reasons. One reason that I got involved was to share the good news of Jesus with other people. Jesus says, ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ (Mathew 28:19-20) This is Jesus telling us to go out and share the good news of salvation with others. I obey Jesus’ commands because I love him, and he’s done more than I can imagine for me. I want others to have that same experience and relationship with Jesus,” J. Wolfe said.
Bible study offers many opportunities for anyone. It is open to anyone no matter what they might believe in or how much knowledge a person knows about faith and or Jesus.
“I think the Bible studies are a great outreach to anyone who is curious about faith and a wonderful tool to those who are already rooting in faith to continue growing and hearing the truth about how Jesus loves us. We teach directly from the Bible and provide modern day examples of things so that everyone can understand because another goal of ours is to show everyone that ‘the word of God is living and active’ (Hebrews 4:12). It can be applied in today’s world because God cares for His people in Bible times, but also now and forevermore,” K. Wolfe said.
The Bible study gives people an opportunity to connect with people who share the same beliefs as others. It allows people to come together and learn more about faith.
“I really like Bible studies. It gives you an opportunity to dive deeper into the word of God and it helps us to better understand and know who he is. It is especially nice to do bible studies in groups. As you go along in scripture, you are able to give ideas and input about what you think. It can give other people a different perspective and allow them to see something in a way they might not have before. It is a really positive atmosphere,” O. Wolfe said.
“I love Bible studies. I find it very convenient that they are in the middle of the week on Wednesdays because it seems to give you that extra boost that you need to get through the week. I love the lessons that the leaders plan, and I think they cultivate great discussions between those attending, and we welcome all questions. Our lessons focus on real world applications of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings, and we also do studies of whole books,right now we are in the book of John,” J. Wolfe said.
Even when Turiano and other leaders of the group graduate, they are hoping for younger people in the group to take on the responsibility of sharing and spreading the love of faith and Jesus.
“Since I’ll be graduating next year, we’re hoping to have younger members take over. We have some younger members in our leadership. We’re hoping that they will carry it on after we leave,” Turiano said.
The Bible study helps connect people to others and show support when people feel out of place in their faith.
“Having a group of people to rely on, to support, and to have fun in fellowship with is incredibly meaningful. To me, I love the atmosphere of kindness and the ability to share the love of God. Mountain Movers provides a way for me to speak truth into the hearts of AAHS students in hopes that they may encounter God for the first time and accept Christ as their everlasting Savior,” K. Wolfe said.
Their Instagram page is called aashmountainmovers.