Mattie Baker
Smile. The student council poses for a quick group picture after packing their holiday baskets. The students filled laundry baskets with donated goods, including food, cleaning supplies and toiletries (courtesy of Jessica Hogan).
The student council is set to take a field trip to Hershey Park on May 28. The trip is sponsored entirely by the revenue from the school store. Club members had to go to at least ten events (meetings, activities, etc.) to be able to go on the trip and had to supply $20 to hold their spot.
“If anyone is interested in joining the student council, keep in mind the activities we do throughout the year and at the end of the year,” student council adviser Jessica Hogan said.
Participants will leave the school by 8:30 a.m. and will be returning around 8:30 p.m. During their time at the park, they will have the opportunity to engage in any activities it has to offer.