Kline hosts Easter egg hunt for students
There’s an Easter egg hunt coming up at the end of this month. This idea has been brought up before once or twice and it ended up getting a good reception. There was supposed to be another Easter egg hunt last year, but unfortunately it was cancelled due to COVID.
“It’s kind of like ‘Elf on a Shelf’ meets Easter idea,” history teacher Carolyn Kline said.
This event will start during the week of March 29 to April 1. Maniacs will be involved in helping this event by delivering the teachers an egg to use for the week as well as coupons for prizes.
There will be different kinds of coupons being placed into the Easter eggs. The coupons are up to the individual teachers, but some of the examples Kline provided would be “free homework,” “free essay question,” “free classwork” or “free two day extension on homework.”
“So far, 28 teachers have signed up to get involved in this as of March 22. Since there are only 25 teachers helping out with this activity I hope that there will be more teachers that will help out,” Kline said.

Hey! My name is Amy Dean, and I’m a reporter for the AAHS Mountain Echo newspaper. I am also a part of yearbook. This will be my second year, and I’m...