Courtesy of Eric Stoudnour

Kelli and Eric Stoudnour have been teaching for 29 years.


Kelli Stoudnour teaches AP biology, microbiology and biology and has been teaching for 29 years. Eric Stoudnour teaches forensic chemistry and biology and has been teaching for 29 years. 

If they didn’t become teachers, they would have likely been entrepreneurs for business.

“We have also been tempted to work at the National Park Service because we love the outdoors and the beauty of America,” E. Stoudnour said. 

The Stoudnours met at Penn State University.

“It was love at first sight for me. Unfortunately, she was engaged at the time but that did not stop me because I knew she was the one for me. So I went for it, and 30 years later we can see how that worked out. Go for your dreams in everything you do,” E. Stoudnour said. 

They really enjoy their summers off together.

“It’s really awesome having the summer off together. We are both really into traveling. We spend the whole summer traveling with our children both here and abroad. It’s been glorious,” E. Stoudnour said.

It is also nice for them to be able to work in the same environment.

“It’s fantastic working in the same environment. We love spending time together. We literally get up, go to the gym together, eat lunch together and hike after school together. It’s a wonder we don’t get sick of each other,” E. Stoudnour said. 

Having classrooms in the same hall also means seeing a lot of each other.

“We see each other all day–we are right across the hall from each other. We like having the same students, getting to know them and enjoying time with them is quite special because we share the same experiences and relationships we build with them,” E. Stoudnour said.

The Stoudnours couldn’t think about not working together.

“We can’t imagine being in separate work environments at this point. We always know what each other is experiencing and it helps us to relate with one another and grow closer,” E. Stoudnour said.

Kaleb Marasco

Avery Reid

The Bell is about to Ring Kaleb Marasco teaches his eighth period class about basic geometry. Marasco was once a student sitting in the chairs as his students do now.

Q: Where did you go to high school and could you describe your high school experience? 

A: Altoona, I did a lot of sports. I played soccer and swam. I was always involved in something. I did student council.

Q: How have the first few weeks of school gone for you?

A:  Crazy, it’s been super busy. Not used to all the kids being in the building.

Q: If you could describe your new classroom in one word what would it be?

A: Modern and energetic.

Q: Could you describe your prior teaching experience?

A: I taught at Mckeesport, the lowest class I had was two kids. I also taught at West Branch Middle School.

Q: What got you interested in the subject you teach and what was your favorite growing up?

A: My favorite subjects were math and science. My mom was a math teacher, I was going to be a biology teacher, but I was better at math.

Q: What brought you to Altoona to teach?

A: I grew up here, Altoona needed a school teacher and they brought me back in.

Q: What inspired you to become a teacher? 

A: I always wanted to make an effect on people’s lives, and I felt like teaching would help them become the best they can.

Q: What is your go to snack or lunch item to bring with you to school?

A: Watermelon and water.

Q: If you could choose one fast food restaurant to be in the school cafeteria what would it be and what would you order there?

A: Chipotle – chicken bowl

Q: Who has been the most help to you as you have started this new job?

A: The principals and the entire math department. Especially Mr. Spade and Miss Musselman.

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