Kaleb Marasco

Avery Reid

The Bell is about to Ring Kaleb Marasco teaches his eighth period class about basic geometry. Marasco was once a student sitting in the chairs as his students do now.

Q: Where did you go to high school and could you describe your high school experience? 

A: Altoona, I did a lot of sports. I played soccer and swam. I was always involved in something. I did student council.

Q: How have the first few weeks of school gone for you?

A:  Crazy, it’s been super busy. Not used to all the kids being in the building.

Q: If you could describe your new classroom in one word what would it be?

A: Modern and energetic.

Q: Could you describe your prior teaching experience?

A: I taught at Mckeesport, the lowest class I had was two kids. I also taught at West Branch Middle School.

Q: What got you interested in the subject you teach and what was your favorite growing up?

A: My favorite subjects were math and science. My mom was a math teacher, I was going to be a biology teacher, but I was better at math.

Q: What brought you to Altoona to teach?

A: I grew up here, Altoona needed a school teacher and they brought me back in.

Q: What inspired you to become a teacher? 

A: I always wanted to make an effect on people’s lives, and I felt like teaching would help them become the best they can.

Q: What is your go to snack or lunch item to bring with you to school?

A: Watermelon and water.

Q: If you could choose one fast food restaurant to be in the school cafeteria what would it be and what would you order there?

A: Chipotle – chicken bowl

Q: Who has been the most help to you as you have started this new job?

A: The principals and the entire math department. Especially Mr. Spade and Miss Musselman.

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