Student band to perform at UVA Club

Courtesy of Trey Boore

The show will start at 7 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door for $10.

Trey Boore, Reporter

On March 4, local student band Sweet Desire will be performing live at The UVA Club. The event will take place in the ballroom and will be available for students of all ages to attend. Starting at 7 p.m. The show will give an opportunity for students to talk, dance and have some fun outside of school. To fit the theme, attendees are encouraged to wear their best 60s/70s inspired hippie clothing. Food and drinks will be available for extra cost as well as a merchandise raffle, in which the winner will be announced toward the end of the show. 

“My main goal for hosting this event is to have fun on stage and to carry out my passion for music through my band. I hope the turnout is huge since we’re the only band on the bill. It will really be a cool experience playing for three hours, especially since we’re pulling out all the stops for this show, and we’re really going to give people something to watch. I’m really looking forward to seeing who all comes out to see us. I think students should definitely come to this event because it is a good environment for anyone, regardless of music taste or anything. It’s a really good opportunity to meet other people, and it’s supporting kids who are doing what they love to do,” senior Kenton Lewis said.

Admission is $10 to get in, and all ages can come. The UVA Club is located at 1809 Union Ave, Altoona, PA 16601. Visit for more information. The day before on March 3, Sweet Desire will be performing live on Studio 814 at 4 p.m.