Teachers, students celebrate teacher appreciation week
Celebrate! During teacher appreciation week, some students display their appreciation for their teachers.
May 18, 2022
The week of May 2, 2022 was teacher appreciation week when some students recognized the role a teacher plays in their lives. During this week, some students reflectd on what teachers have done for them while teachers reflected on what it is like being a teacher.
For science teacher Jessica Hogan, she enjoyed school as a kid and realized she wanted to teach when she fell in love with biology when taking zoology at AAHS her senior year. After being a teacher assistant for a freshman biology lab in college, it was clear to Hogan that she wanted to teach biology and science.
“I was one of those nerdy kids who loved school and even played school with my dolls or my younger siblings and neighborhood kids. I love when kids and I struggle through a good activity and kids have what teachers call the A-Ha! or lightbulb moment. That’s so cool,” Hogan said.
Math teacher Daniel Harber feels appreciated as a teacher from both students and teachers.
“I know that it doesn’t always seem to be shown, but our students, other teachers and administrators truly do care for us. You can tell it by the students’ actions and emotions, their expressions for when that light bulb goes on from figuring out a problem or just being there for them,” Harber said. “As for other teachers, that is my support group that I can go to at any time. My closest and dearest friends are teachers in the district.”
As Hogan has experienced what it is like to be a teacher herself, she understands what being a teacher truly means.
“A teacher isn’t just someone who talks and talks and then tests kids. A teacher wears a lot of hats today but most importantly, teachers need to be willing to share their enthusiasm for their subject to engage others enough for them to appreciate the subject,” Hogan said. “In order to do that, we teachers need to engage the students as human beings first. Maybe kids won’t find protein synthesis as fascinating as I do but I hope they’ll understand it and remember it.”
Being a teacher, Harber has experienced some instances where students have made him feel good.
“There have been countless instances when I have really felt good as a teacher, emails, letters and even gifts are some of the nice material things that students have done for me. There are two other cases that make me feel really good as a teacher. The first are the students who communicate and constantly do their work, reaching out for help when it is needed, it just makes you feel like you are there for a reason. The second are the students who ‘finally get it’ or get to graduation. They have struggled because of school, home, medical or other issues and once they are able to put those aside and focus on school, their achievements are the best possible reward you can ever have as a teacher,” Harber said. “As the seniors walk across the stage this year, I know there are some that will be in these shoes, and I could not be any prouder.”
Hogan has also experienced times where she feels appreciated as students have sent her messages and other gestures.
“I’ve been very blessed to teach some amazing students in my 25 year career. The best thing a student could do for a teacher is write them a note thanking them for what they’ve done for them,” Hogan said. “I have a file of those types of messages. I have had students bring me gifts, which is unnecessary but lovely, and honestly, I’m just glad if a student sees me in public they say hi! I have a former student that chaperones my trout trip every year, and on New Years Eve last year I attended a wedding of former students that met in my class! It was the best!”
Senior Lukas Caracciolo celebrates teacher appreciation week to support his teachers and all that they do.
“I think we should celebrate it because the teachers do a lot for us as students, and they deserve to be recognized for it,” Caracciolo said. “It is important that we celebrate because it shows our appreciation to our teachers.”
Throughout her years of school, junior Emily Wendle has been taught by teachers who have made an impact on her life for how they treated her.
“My teachers always knew when something was wrong or if my attitude seemed off. Sometimes they would pull me aside and ask if I was okay or let me know that if I wasn’t feeling good I didn’t have to complete the work for that day. They always put my feelings and well-being before my schoolwork and I think that’s really important to building a relationship with your teachers,” Wendle said.
Carocciolo shares what he believes makes a good teacher.
“I think something that makes a great teacher is one who shares a connection with their students. I know that I always liked when I had a teacher who would not only teach and help us, but relate to us as well,” Caracciolo said.
Since elementary school, Wendle’s view on teachers has changed as she has gotten older.
“When you’re younger, you tend to look at your teachers as annoying or boring or mean. When you start growing up and maturing, you realize that they’re really only there to help you,” Wendle said. “They are giving you so much homework or reviewing that lesson so much because it’s important for you to know so you can succeed beyond high school.”
While in secondary school, Caracciolo experienced teachers who have influenced his life.
“My teachers in junior high and high school have made the biggest impact on my life. They are the ones who believed in me even when I didn’t and helped me become not only a better student but a better person as well,” Caracciolo said.
For what teachers do, Wendle feels that they should be appreciated and recognized.
“Being a teacher obviously isn’t easy. They deal with other people’s kids all day, then go home to their own or to their own homelife afterwards. Teachers go through a lot when it’s 30 students in one class against one teacher,” Wendle said. “Teachers are a necessity to kids’ futures and they deserve to know that they are appreciated.”