Courtesy of Abigail Herncane

Abigail Herncane

Q: Who is going to be your escort?

A: Senior Connor Blough 

Q: What are you representing for the school?

A: Girls’ Basketball 

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you?

A: I think people should vote for me because I want to represent the basketball team, and it would be such an honor to win something like this.  I try to be as friendly and helpful as possible.   

Q: What are you most looking forward to during Homecoming week?

A: I’m excited to do things with my team because they are some of my closest friends, and it will be fun to do everything planned. 

Q: Why did you decide to run for Homecoming royalty? 

A: I decided to run because I feel like it would be a really good experience and something I’d remember forever.  It will be fun to participate in other events leading up to it too.  

Q: If you’re chosen as royalty, how will you fulfill your responsibilities? 

A: I will continue to be kind and helpful to everyone.  

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