DeLfosse speaks on his tattoos, their importance
Introduction to Publication students designed magazine covers to feature journalism students. Hailey Otto designed this cover to feature Jeremy Delfosse.
Student Jeremy DeLfosse is a natural tattoo lover; he has several tattoos and has been planning on getting more in the future.
“The next ones will be a six shooter, a wave and a sword,” Delfosse said.
There are significant reasons Delfosse has gotten each tattoo.
“Some of my tattoos have meaning like the angel on my right arm is for my little sister Sofia; the semicolon on my wrist is for suicide and mental health awareness. I have two hearts with an arrow through it with a banner that say I think too much because I overthink and on my chest I have my great grandma’s birthday: it’s August 4, 1929,” Delfosse said.
He explained why he first started getting tattoos. DeLfosse’s next tattoo, the six shooter, represents how he grew up with old time movies.
“I love them so much, and I grew up with western movies and games,” Defosse said
DeLfosse’s first yearbook spread is a page on tattoos and pets.
“It is hard trying to make these topics match up with each other,” Delfosse said.
Overall DeLfosse enjoys being creative and representative with his tattoos.