FLC to visit Christkindl market

Food and friends. The foreign language club sits down for a meal at Aki. This was one of many field trips taken by the club.
On Dec. 9 the Foreign Language Club will be taking a field trip. The students will be pairing up with the German classes to attend the Christkindl market in Mifflinburg PA. Buses are intended to depart the school at 9:00 a.m. at the planetarium doors and return around 4:00 p.m.
“I like that it gives students the opportunity to do something outside the classroom setting that relates to foreign language directly. We have about 75 kids going on the trip already, so I think it’s a really good way to get students involved and bring students together to do something as a group,” foreign language club adviser Veronica Skomra said.
The Christkindl market is a strip of different “shops” that replicate German Christmas markets. This includes craft and food vendors, live entertainment and different activities.

My name is Megan Shultz, and I am an associate editor on the Mt. Echo staff. Ever since I was young I would spend my free time writing stories for my family....