Changing with Cider: an introduction

January 20, 2023

I hate change. I hate new routines, the unknown, the second-guessing. It all upsets me, and the whole process becomes aggravating, especially when I have no clue what I’m doing. Writing this blog checked off all those boxes. 

As I’ve grown, I’ve realized change is something I can never escape. Although it was not one of Benjamin Franklin’s listed certainties in life, it’s just as scary as death and taxes, and it needs to be talked about. 

Change is something most people don’t like. The idea everything you once knew is now gone can be terrifying.  Change is uncertain and seen as a threat, so the brain goes into fight or flight mode for safety.

I needed a topic for this blog either way, and I wasn’t going to add another music review onto the website. So, instead, I decided to write about the one thing I hate most and combine it with my passions. Writing, poetry, my hatred for the word alumni, the list goes on. 

That’s what this blog is going to be about. It is going to explore the everyday topics that are given no second thought. Point out the importance of reconstructing the way many people think and live. And maybe, just maybe, these bi-weekly articles will challenge readers to get out of their comfort zone they’ve grown accustomed to. 

Fearing change is not a rare feeling, it’s far from it. Most people have their own worries with the topic such as getting a job, moving away and starting a family. Even everyday changes can be difficult like talking to new people, going to new places and changing a routine. 

When it comes to change, most people see it as a problem or an obstacle. They have a “How am I supposed to deal with this?” or “How do I overcome this?” type of mindset. It’s linked to that feeling of being stressed or overwhelmed. Most people don’t like to lose control. It brings a sense of powerlessness. 

Change doesn’t follow with a clear outcome. There isn’t always a guaranteed reward to make people want to accomplish something new. So, they end up stuck in their comfort zone because of it. 

It’s important to realize that change can be a great thing. It can be beneficial. Change can bring so many different opportunities and realizations to a person, but it has to be welcomed. Change can’t just happen and bring growth. People need to know how to adapt to changing circumstances, even if it’s difficult. 

Getting comfortable with such an uncomfortable situation can be strenuous. Even if it is a difficult change, there are habits people can start implementing in order to manage themselves through change. Some of these habits include:

  • Understanding that not everything is permanent. If someone is ignorant to the fact that life changes, it makes them less prepared for the change that is inevitable to come. 
  • Understand the current change and emotions. Being able to navigate how a person feels during a certain situation can help them understand what weaknesses and strengths they have in regards to a shift in life. 
  • Let go of the idea of needing to be perfect. The idea that everything needs to be perfect is the reason why some people fear change. Change is unavoidable, and it will mess up plans no matter what. It’s better to just accept that not everything will work.
  • Stay grateful and mindful. Being grateful for the positive things in life can help people manage with hard obstacles in their lives as it reminds them that there are good things in life.
  • See change as a fun thing. Adding a positive attitude onto a hard situation can make it more bearable and enjoyable.

Once someone becomes comfortable with changing, that’s when they can start meeting their true potential. It will bring growth and improvement to a person, even when they didn’t realize they needed it. I am growing by accepting the change of writing in a new format: this blog. I know that if I welcome change I will grow and learn, and so will others if they do the same.

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