Snowball scheduled for Jan. 26

Just chill!! AAHS is hosting their first ever SnowBall the dance will take place Jan. 26 at the field house.
Altoona High School is holding a winter dance.
As the weather gets colder, new opportunities are coming up for students. This year’s winter formal SnowBall is approaching Jan. 26th. Tickets are $5 dollars you can get them during lunch time the week of the dance.
According to teacher Thomas Palfey, the dance won’t be different from Homecoming when it comes to dress code or entertainment.
“It’s semi formal, so no jeans or anything like that. But we just want a lot of people to show up,” Palfey said. “We will have little snacks like water, pretzels and chips. The DJ from the homecoming that we had is coming.”
Palfey also stated this is the first annual Snow Ball which makes this dance more special.
Sandra Mitchel is also helping organize the dance.
“It’s just a fun thing to do in winter, this is actually the first dance for everybody that isn’t Homecoming,” Mitchell said.
According to Mitchell, the dance idea came from the activity squad. This is a group of teachers in the building. They wanted to provide an opportunity for students.
“There are only so many high school dances in life, so take advantage of every single one,” Mitchell said.
A couple of students also have their opinions on the dance.
“Yeah. Why not have a little fun and get crazy with friends?” freshman Celestine Gibson said.
“I get to see everyone else’s dresses and the decorations,” freshman Hannah Owulade said.