Student council raises money for the local Humane Society through Pennies for Pets
Every penny counts. Sophomore Andrea Slusser donates $5 to one of the jars. Pennies for Pets ran from March 13 to March 17.
Pennies for Pets returned this year for its second time raising money for the Central PA Humane Society. Student council adviser Stephanie McAleer was in charge of the fundraiser this year.
“In total this year we raised $500 for the Humane Society, with an average of $50 raised for each animal. Some had more, and some had less,” McAleer said.
Posters with each of the animals along with the amount of money raised for them were posted all around the building.
“Bindi raised just over $150, and I think August was the lowest at around $25,” McAleer said.
McAleer hopes to continue doing this event or a spin-off of it in the future. The Central PA Humane Society will be coming for a check presentation this month.
“The students enjoy it, and we are able to raise money to help the shelter/animals in need. I love hearing each day’s total to see how much we have raised and presenting the final check to the Humane Society – last year they brought a dog for us to play with,” McAleer said.
Fellow adviser Kimberly Shope was in charge of the fundraiser last year. Last year’s collection was slightly larger than this year.
“We have tried to do something to support the Humane Society yearly. In years past, we often had dogs or cats visit the school amid the week of collection. We have changed it up in the past couple years. The Central PA Humane Society has always been our local animal shelter, and our group has a relationship with them. We continue to support them,” Shope said.
Sophomore Andrea Slusser was one of the contributors to the fundraiser. She donated $5 to Mary the pitbull.
“I wished to give to this event because I have always loved animals and wish to help them in any way possible,” Slusser said.
Slusser hopes to attend Penn State College of Agriculture and receive a veterinary degree.
“I have contributed to this event before and plan to give to the event in the future because I feel it is for a wonderful cause and will assist the humane society to continue helping the animals in our community,” Slusser said.

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