Student Council accepts applications for officer positions
Morning Meetings. The student council meets before school and has meetings. They pose for a picture, waiting for the meeting to start.
Student council takes responsibility for a variety of activities that happen throughout the year including: senior citizens dance, bloodmobiles, contests, food drives, community service projects, themed dances, semi-formal dances and running the student store. Every year, the student council accepts applications for officer positions.
“As a freshman joining the high school, I really wanted to join the student council to become more involved in my school while assisting in fun events and activities. This allowed me to meet new people and feel more comfortable in new surroundings,” junior Alyssa Chestney said.
The student council will accept applications for the following positions: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, store manager and homeroom representative. Sophomores and juniors can apply for positions.
“For the application process they have to get three teacher recommendations and 10 recommendations from fellow students, which are all simply emails to me. Then once we go through the applications, we will have a brief interview with each candidate,” student council adviser Jess Hogan said.
According to junior Aaliyah McGee, the advisers take applications, and they choose where applicants would be the best fit.
“This application process has been in place for a while now for the student council, and it has worked out very well and has given us really good officers in the past. We are going to continue with this process for now. We would like to thank our officers from this year, who have done a great job and have helped the student council achieve their goal,” Hogan said.
McGee sent in an application. According to McGee, she is hoping to get president.
“The officers work together, and everyone does their part. I hopefully will make things better than what they are and I will just always be there,” McGee said.
Senior Julia McCaully is the secretary of student council. According to McCaully, she has had a lot of fun in the student council over the years.
“I am going to miss things about high school. I had a lot of fun being a part of the student council committee. It is a good group to be a part of and can meet new people,” McCaully said.
Being an officer, there are a lot of responsibilities the advisers expect to be fulfilled. According to McCaully, there is pressure being an officer.
“I knew what was expected of me, and I did what I was told and then some,” McCaully said. “There was pressure because of who was in position before me, but compared to the stress of auditioning for drum major, it was mild. I was still nervous during the interview.”
Chestney feels like her skill set would best fit vice president, secretary or treasurer.
“I would love to become a student council officer, as I feel I could accurately represent and fulfill any task in need of completion, while working with others to create a healthy environment for everyone involved,” Chestney said.
Chestney feels that the application asked great questions and it allowed the advisers to get to know each of the candidates personalities and goals for the future.
“I love being involved in student council since it allows me to help out in fun activities throughout the year with my friends, who are also members of the club,” Chestney said.

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