Lioneers announce 2023-2024 team
Lioneers perform at football, basketball, volleyball, and pep rallies.
Lioneer in person tryouts were held March 25 at 8:00 a.m. through to 11:00 a.m. Lioneer coach, Julie Schmoke, held these tryouts. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors were eligible to participate.
“We went into the gym then we stretched. Afterwards, Mrs. Schmoke put us into groups with numbers. And we all went over the dance in the small groups. We then went over the dance. And all went and performed it in the gym and danced in front of the judge’s table,” freshman Cevin Dively said.
Three judges lined the edge of the gym as they performed. Judges were brought in locally.
“They were taught a dance, and then they went in groups. After they were done, I asked if anyone could do any tumbling. If they could tumble, they would show it. If they couldn’t, they would just stand and wait for the others, and then move onto the next group,” Schmoke said.
The crowd at football games always goes wild for a Lioneer kickline, but the wow factor of tumbling is something Schmoke looks for.
“We were able to pick 26 girls,” Schmoke said.
The results came out later that night. Dively was one of the 26 chosen for the team. She has been dancing since she was three. This will be her second year on the team.
“I’m looking forward to football games. They’re so much fun and as an upcoming sophomore I feel like it’ll be like a new experience,” Dively said.

I am a senior at the Altoona Area High School and am the public relations manager for the Mountain Echo newspaper. I seek excellence in my academic and...

Hey! My name is Amy Dean, and I’m a reporter for the AAHS Mountain Echo newspaper. I am also a part of yearbook. This will be my second year, and I’m...