Top books read this summer

“Shipwrecked” by Olivia Dade:
I picked this book up on a whim when I was on vacation and absolutely adored this book.
Maria and Peter met one night and after a night of getting to know each other, Maria left without a word.
What neither of them expected was that they would soon be starring side by side in a hit TV show. As the show’s popularity grows, so does the undeniable chemistry between Peter and Maria. But are they willing to risk their careers and livelihood for love?
I can’t begin to describe how much I loved this novel. I read it in a day and not a day goes by where I don’t think about it.
It isn’t just the romance that made me fall head over heels for this book. It was the banter, the LGBTQ+ representation, and the body positivity and social media presence that brought this book together.
Both of our main characters are plus-sized actors in the film industry. They often face challenges throughout the story due to their weight, many stemming from the toxicity of the industry they work in.
Dade does a fantastic job in “Shipwrecked” representing both the positive and negative effects of social media. Throughout the story, Maria has a very large social media presence and stands up for what she believes in. She is a passionate and confident woman who loves her own body and isn’t afraid to admit it.
Peter and Maria have such a beautiful relationship. It is flawed, surely, but it is real and that is what matters and what makes it so stunning. Peter has officially become one of my favorite fictional characters.
Overall, this book has become one of my favorites of the year and I will 100 percent be continuing on with the rest of the series.
“Shipwrecked”: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I’ve read this book many times, but every time I read it, I love it even more.
Stephanie is a 17-year-old who has had a lot put on her plate over time. Her mom passed away when she was younger and she has had to become a maternal figure for her younger sister, Charlie.
When Stephanie, Charlie and their father move into a new house, Charlie begins to notice a masked person standing in her closet. Stephanie doesn’t think anything of it, just considering it childish fantasies, until she begins to uncover the dark and twisted history of the house she now lives in.
However, as time goes on, Stephanie begins to find out just who the mysterious masked figure is, and her interest in him peaks. But she isn’t the only one taking an interest. He might be doing the exact same thing. But, will their connection be their downfall?
I can’t put into words the adoration I feel for this novel. I discover something new every single time. No matter what, I always finish this book with a smile on my lips and tears on my face.
The relationship between our two main characters is a large piece of why I love this book, but the lesser noticed relationship is the one between Stephanie and Charlie. I love the connection and love that is felt on both sides throughout the entire book. It brings more to both of their characters and makes certain parts of the story all the more heartbreaking.
“Phantom Heart” is over 500 pages, but the time flies. I couldn’t put it down no matter how hard I would try. Sleep wasn’t an option when reading this book.
I recommend this book for anyone who is a fan of gothic horror, romance, and of course, “The Phantom of the Opera.”
“Phantom Heart”: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I love listening to music while I read. I always get a thrill reading a book and having the perfect songs playing in the background. However, sometimes those songs happen to play at the perfect moment. Such was the case while reading this book.
“A Game of Gods” is the third book in the “Hades Saga” series. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all three of these, but “A Game of Gods” just hit home.
Over the course of the story, we see the challenges Hades is facing both with being a god and with maintaining his relationship with Persephone. Fair warning, they are really good at miscommunicating.
However, towards the end of the book, the story begins to take a darker turn as the threat of war looms over the heads of the gods. “A Game of Gods” ends on a cliffhanger. That cliffhanger left me crying my eyes out and throwing my copy across the room. “A Touch of Chaos” can’t get published fast enough.
I’m as big a Swiftie as I am a reader. I had Taylor Swift playing as I was reading the final chapter of this novel. “Epiphany” came on just as I reached the last page. If I was crying before, I was balling as I finished the last sentence.
Hades is such an interesting and complex character. He is a people pleaser, but he also won’t let anything stand in the way of what he wants. He wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of him and Persephone.
However, with great complexity comes great stupidity. Hades doesn’t always know how to communicate, which often gets him in trouble with his lovely queen. Just when I think he will start to open up, he shuts back down again. This proves to be his weakness as the book draws to a close.
I thoroughly enjoyed “A Game of Gods” and I am as excited as I am nervous to see where the final book will lead readers.
“A Game of Gods”: ⭐⭐⭐⭐