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Senior, junior class officers announced

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Jr. & Sr. class officers

A big part of the school is the executive committee. The executive committee also elects officers from each grade. There is a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Here are the senior and junior class officers.


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Senior Class President Julia Kline
Senior Class President Julia Kline

Q: What made you want to become senior class president?

A: I care a lot about the school and the problems of the school and also students of this school. I knew that if I was elected president, I’d be able to make some changes and make some progress in the school for everyone.

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: It was honestly a little bit of a funny story. I didn’t hear my name or the speakers because I was in jazz band, and they made the announcement. We’re in the middle of a song.  I had asked someone afterwards they told me that I won and I was excited. I was excited for the year to come. I was excited for senior year and also representing the senior class.

Senior Class Vice President Sam Kessinger
Senior Class Vice President Sam Kessinger

Q: What made you want to become senior class vice president?

A: I wanted to be able to have some sort of leadership position. There wasn’t really anything specific, like, I didn’t want to be treasurer, because I don’t really like math and handling money and that kind of stuff, but I figured vice president or president would be good. And I still want to be able to get more involved and like try to get more involved with our senior class and like, planned fun stuff and help out with, like organizing stuff in the senior class.

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers? 

A: I was surprised. I was really grateful and excited. And I ran the year before and I didn’t win. So I was like, really excited about hearing that. And I was just grateful for everyone that voted for me.

Senior Class Secretary Aaliyah McGee
Senior Class Secretary Aaliyah McGee

Q: What made you want to become senior class secretary?

A: I wanted to be a familiar and friendly face in our school. My main thing was trying to include more people and do more things in our school that everyone wanted to be included in. 

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: I actually cried because of the anticipation, and everyone was so happy for me and I was crying. 

Senior Class Treasure Sofia Fanelli
Senior Class Treasure Sofia Fanelli

Q: What made you want to become senior class treasure?

A: I knew I wanted to be an officer. I wanted some kind of responsibility for my senior year. I didn’t necessarily want to be president. I want to be in charge of everything but I liked the organizational aspect of being the treasurer and also being able to see what goes on behind the scenes.

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: I felt relieved, Just for the election to be over but I’m really glad that I won treasurer.

Junior Class President Emma Bettwy
Junior Class President Emma Bettwy

Q: What made you want to become junior class president?

A: I like the leadership role and being able to make decisions.

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: I was so excited and they’re all motivated for the rest of the year.


Junior Class Vice President Lia Sankey
Junior Class Vice President Lia Sankey

Q: What made you want to become junior class vice president?

A: I just wanted to help take a leadership role in my class and help make a difference in what we do and what we can do.

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: I have the lifting homeroom so I didn’t hear it. I was very happy when I got told that I won.


Junior Class Secretary Gracie Gioiosa
Junior Class Secretary Gracie Gioiosa

Q: What made you want to become junior class secretary?

A: I was in sophomore class, sophomore executive committee last year, and that was a good time. So I wanted to keep improving school as much as I could through the junior executive office.

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: It was very unexpected. And I was very happy that I got the secretary position

Junior Class Treasurer Laura Reed
Junior Class Treasurer Laura Reed

Q: What made you want to become junior class treasurer? 

A: I wanted to get more involved with our class, and that was like a good way to do it. 

Q: How did you react when you heard your name over the speakers?

A: I was in Driver’s Ed and I don’t talk to anyone I have driver’s ed with. So I was like, yay. And then everyone in class was like, ‘Oh, you’re Laura.’

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