Senior Lillian Roberts has a life revolving around music. At school, during extra curricular activities and just during everyday life, music is being fed into her ears. Since she can remember, she has been enjoying music for her own satisfaction and relaxation.
Music is an essential part of her everyday life and a lot of her interests are involved with it. Roberts is frequently seen with AirPods in or jamming out to some Kanye West songs during her day.
“I have to listen to music whether I like it or not because of dance and Lioneers. I need music to listen to though, even in my off time, if I have homework to do, I’m probably gonna put on Kanye or something,” Roberts said.
According to Roberts, without music, life would be drastically different. She uses it as motivation and something to calm her down. Although she does not create or produce any music, she is still intensely influenced by it.
“Without music, I’d probably be miserable. I would be thinking to myself, ‘what do I do all day’ and I would probably be like, ‘man, my life is awful.’ And I don’t go out of my way to make beats or sing or anything. I would if I could, if I really had that big of an ambition for it. I don’t want to sing because I don’t think stage presence is my thing. But I feel like my life would be drastically different,” Roberts said.
Roberts does not just listen to any particular artists or genre though. Her taste and interests have changed throughout the years. Through outside influences and her own unique taste she has developed a liking for specific aspects of the music she listens to.
“I used to be very into trap. Remy Boyz and Uzi specifically, but now I’m not too into rap anymore. I mean, I listen to it every now and then, don’t love it, but if it comes up I’m not like, ‘Oh get it off.’ Today, I’m more into what they call R&B and rap, like Tyler The Creator, The Weekend, and Frank Ocean,” Roberts said.
Roberts interest and involvement with music in her life won’t change anytime soon. She encourages others to use music as she does and plans to open up her mind to new music as well. She has a music blog as well called InTune Two.