Friends of Rachel is an international movement to spread more peace, joy and love within the community by doing deeds for others.
“Rachel’s Closet is named in honor of Rachel Scott, the first student tragically lost in the Columbine school shooting of 1999. In her memory, her family established the Friends of Rachel Club, which challenges schools to build a ‘chain of kindness’ among students,” Friends of Rachel adviser Tanya Lucas said. “The closet is one of the many initiatives supported by the Friends of Rachel Club to foster compassion and support. One of the main goals of the club is to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging. By nurturing a culture of kindness and inclusivity, we aim to create a supportive environment where all members of our school community can feel safe and valued.”
Friends of Rachel created Rachel’s Closet as a student run thrift store in B215. Since the first opening of Rachel’s Closet, it’s only grown exponentially, becoming such a fundamental resource for students to get supplies they’re in need of like clothes, accessories and hygiene products completely free.