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25 candidates compete for Homecoming crown

Meet the candidates
The Homecoming candidates pose for a photo after a meeting the week before Homecoming week. (Courtesy of Tristan Sunderland-Ebersole)
The Homecoming candidates pose for a photo after a meeting the week before Homecoming week. (Courtesy of Tristan Sunderland-Ebersole)
Charlie Kephart
(Courtesy of Addisen McDonald)
Addisen McDonald

Q:What is your name? 

A: “Addisen McDonald.” 

Q:What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Horseshoe Yearbook.”

Q:Who is your escort? 

A: “Noah DiVentura.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe in spreading positivity around the school and being the light. As I run for Homecoming queen I want to continue to be that light, be inclusive and do that throughout my publication.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “My favorite part of Homecoming week is Coronation. I love that everyone’s hard work gets recognized at the end of the week, and it’s exciting to see who gets the crown.” 

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m very excited. I think that this is a great opportunity for inclusion for candidates and team members, and I’m excited to see what the week will bring.” 

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “As editor in chief for the yearbook, I see the hard work and dedication that my classmates put into the yearbook to create a product that our peers enjoy, and by running I’m hoping to call attention to their work to give us all the recognition for that.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “Thank you for your support throughout the week, and most importantly HAVE FUN!”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to continue to be that light throughout the week and remember how blessed we are to have the opportunity to participate in a series of fun activities like this.”

(Courtesy of Addisen McDonald) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Charlie Kephart)
Charlie Kephart

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Charlie Kephart.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Mountain Echo.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Nino Yohn.”

Q:Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I think I would make a good representative as I have other leadership experience and would be able to represent the school well. I am excited to take on this role and embrace the week.” 

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I think that Games Night and dressing up for the theme days are some of the most fun and exciting parts of Homecoming week.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I am excited to run for Homecoming. I have wanted to do it since I was younger and getting to see all my older friends run for Homecoming was so exciting. I am very excited for the week to finally arrive.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I think taking on this role and showing Altoona pride is a great way to represent our school. I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity as it is my senior year.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “I would like voters to know that I am a very well-rounded candidate and would represent Altoona in a positive manner.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I would continue to fulfill my academics and hold my leadership positions, while also trying to make a positive impact on the student body and community.” 

(Courtesy of Charlie Kephart) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Karinna Wolfe)
Karinna Wolfe

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Karinna Wolfe.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Altoona Mountain Lion Movers.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Talen Turiano.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “People should vote for me because I’m not just representing myself, and not just the Mountain Movers as our Bible study group, but because I’m trying to glorify the Lord and all that is said and done.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Dressing up and experiencing a good time with our friends, just seeing people lift up to school and each other having a good time and just representing our school while having fun.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: Originally I thought it was going to be hard, but I’m enjoying putting in the work because I know that I’m not doing it just to glorify myself, but to glorify our Father as well. I don’t know, it’s good to be a part of something bigger than myself.” 

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I wanted to run for Homecoming because I wanted to raise support for Mountain Movers. Not many people know about the club because it just started last year in November. So getting to run for Homecoming represents not just me but our entire club, and I want people to know more about it, in case they might be interested.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “No, vote for me.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: As of now I have a group chat running with all the people in my homecoming team, and we’re continuing to. I’m doing a lot of work behind the scenes, especially in my first period when I had the opportunity to have some free time to work on myself. And outside of school, I’m thinking about things and preparing things.”

(Courtesy of Karinna Wolfe) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Jillian Pierannunzio)
Jillian Pierannunzio

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Jillian Pierannunzio.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Majorettes.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Trevor Wilson for the dance and Gregory Wenzel for the game.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I like to be a  positive influence to others, and I feel that we should have more positive influences in our school.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I love the theme days and I love Games Night because I love seeing everyone’s skits and then playing the games is fun.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I have enjoyed it so far. It wasn’t something that I’ve always thought that I wanted to do but I’ve had fun doing it.” 

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I’m the only senior on the Majorettes, so I was asked to do it. I decided that I would want to do it, and a bunch of my friends wanted to be on my team.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan on staying organized and making sure that everyone feels positive in the school environment and everyone feels like they can do whatever they want, and they can be whatever they want.”

(Courtesy of Jillian Pierannunzio) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Lanie Wilt)
Lanie Wilt

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Lanie Wilt.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A:  “Girls’ Basketball.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A:  “Lucas Sipes.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I think people should vote for me because I feel like I’ll represent the school well, and I’m kind, and it’s really important to me about raising money for the charity.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I’m most excited for the dance because I have a lot of fun there.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m very excited. I’m doing it for fun, and I think it will be fun.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A:  “I want to run because me and all my friends are doing it, and we just feel like it’s fun.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “ If you like ‘Legally Blonde,’ you should vote for me.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “Donating money to charities, being kind to others and helping people when they need it.”

(Courtesy of Lanie Wilt) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Laura Reed)
Laura Reed

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Laura Reed.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Drama Club.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Gavin Harkins for the dance and Eli Rosenberry for the game.” 

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I think I’m a good representative for Altoona school, and I also represent the clubs that I am in well. I feel like I’m welcoming to the people in them and other people in this school.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “The activities because you get to have fun with your friends and show pride in your club.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m very excited. I was on a team last year, and it was really exciting to watch all the events going on. So I’m excited to actually be the one doing the main part of them this year.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I figured it’s my last year in high school, so I should try something new. I was really nervous to run for it, since I knew that there was a lot of responsibility, but it’s been fun so far.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “I had to paint myself orange for this skit, so that should be worth something.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I’m very detail oriented. So making sure that everything that’s required for Homecoming and running It to do everything to the best of my and my team’s abilities.” 

(Courtesy of Laura Reed) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Sydney Hockenos)
Sydney Hockenos

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Sydney Hockenos.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Lioneers.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Aaron Smearman.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe people should vote for me because I’m a well-rounded person within our school’s community. I take a variety of classes and activities including being one of the captains of Lioneers, the president of SADD club and our senior class secretary. I enjoy being outgoing and meeting new people as well as spending time with friends.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “The best part of Homecoming week is not only the community you create with your team, but also all the other candidates and high school students that get to participate in the different events throughout the week.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m really excited that I get to represent a team that I have so much pride in and to work with people that bring me so much joy.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I wanted to have fun my senior year and get the full experience of Homecoming one last time, but a big part of my decision was that I wanted to represent my team. Lioneers is such a close-knit, positive team and I couldn’t have asked for anything better to represent.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “We are supporting the Special Olympics.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to continue to spread kindness to those around me and represent both the Homecoming candidates and high school students as a whole.”

(Courtesy of Sydney Hockenos) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Rachel Kennedy)
Rachel Kennedy

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Rachel Kennedy.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Band.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Anthony Forlina for the coronation, and Randy Grove for the dance.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I try to be as involved as possible in many different aspects of our school, so I think that I represent Altoona in a very well-rounded way.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Definitely watching everyone’s skits. They’re always so funny, and I love seeing what my peers came up with.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “It’s a lot of work, but I think it’s definitely worth it. My team had so much fun coming up with ideas and filming our skit.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “Honestly, I wasn’t originally planning on running. But I was nominated, and the very next day I was chosen as the official candidate for band. I’m so glad I did though, I don’t regret it.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “Just have fun, attend Games Night if you can and dress up with the theme days—it’ll be over before you know it.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I’m going to keep staying involved in everything going on at the high school, as well as stay dedicated to my grades in order to be a good representation of Altoona.”

(Courtesy of Rachel Kennedy) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Ava Steinbugl)
Ava Steinbugl

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Ava Steinbugl.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Foreign Language Club.” 

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Luke Mitchell.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I think people should vote for me because I always come into school with a positive attitude, and I love having school spirit and representing my club.” 

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Definitely coming to school and dressing up in the themes.” 

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m super excited. It’s something different in my life and I’ve loved watching the previous candidates run, so I think it’ll be fun to do with my friends.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “Last year I watched all the candidates, and I just thought it would be something fun to do with my friends.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “I want the voters to know that I would represent the school really well, and I would help spread positive feelings around the school.” 

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “By representing the school well and just making sure everyone has a good high school experience.”

(Courtesy of Ava Steinbugl) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Lia Sankey)
Lia Sankey

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Lia Sankey.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Girls’ Soccer.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Caleb Gibson.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: While it would be amazing to win Homecoming queen and be able to hold that title, I didn’t want to run just to win. I wanted to run for the experience. I wanted to enjoy the process of running for Homecoming with some of my best friends, make a silly skit and make a fool out of myself at Games Night. I would encourage people to vote for me because I feel that I am a very unselfish person, and I would consider myself pretty down to earth. Not everything is about winning or being the best, and sometimes the best parts of life come from the steps taken to reach a goal rather than the goal itself. I don’t want people to see me as a self-absorbed candidate, even though I don’t think I come off that way, and if they would like to vote for me and are even considering it, I would encourage them to.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Seeing how everybody interprets and dresses up for the themes for theme week.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I think it is a very cool experience, and it’s definitely something really special to be able to do during my last year of high school. I will admit, though, that it was quite stressful at some points because I felt like I had so much to get done and not enough time to do so.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I have wanted to run for Homecoming since about eighth grade, and I guess that aspiration has never really changed.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “I greatly appreciate all the support from all of you and all of your votes mean so much to me.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to work efficiently and effectively, but in situations where I need an extra hand or two, I will ask for help from my peers or my superiors.”

(Courtesy of Lia Sankey) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Mia Curfman)
Mia Curfman

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Mia Curfman.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Girls’ League.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Brian Knott.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe people should vote for me because I am involved within the community. Whether it’s for school, meeting new friends or participating in other activities, I love being there to help.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “The best part of Homecoming week is doing the themes with your friends. There’s so much prepping and planning that goes into Homecoming as a whole so getting to have fun dressing up is something I’ve always looked forward to.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I feel excited to run for Homecoming, I think it’ll be a good experience.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “Homecoming is so much fun with so many cool things going on throughout the week, I truly wanted to run for Homecoming for the experience.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A:  “The Homecoming candidates are supporting the Special Olympics.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I want to represent our school in a positive light by spreading kindness to everyone because kindness goes a long way.”

(Courtesy of Mia Curfman) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Andrea Slusser)
Andrea Slusser

Q: What is your name? 

A: ‘Andrea Slusser.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS).”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Jacob Matosziuk.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe people should vote for me because I am very dedicated to the well-being of out student body and I demonstrate advanced leadership abilities in my several office.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “ The best part of Homecoming week is the togetherness that the school shared when dressing up for themes and enjoying the Homecoming events.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I am very excited to be running for homecoming and I hope a lot of fun with the other students .”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I decided to run for Homecoming because I felt that it was a great opportunity to get to know the other glasses  and make great memories with my team. ”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A:  “ I want voters to know that I truly hope to support them and represent each student to the best of my ability.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to execute my Homecoming responsibilities by staying organized and getting engaged in the school community.”

(Courtesy of Andrea Slusser) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Ellaina Saylor)
Ellaina Saylor

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Ellaina Saylor.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Student Council.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Carmine Polito”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe that people should vote for me because I think I would be a great representative of the Homecoming court.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “ The best part of Homecoming week is participating with all your friends and being able to dress up for all the themes and just being together.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m pretty excited because I think this year it’s a fair game for everybody, so I think that everybody has a chance.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I just decided to run for Homecoming because I wanted to be involved with everything, and I wanted my friends to have the chance to be involved as well.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “No, not really.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I will fulfill my Homecoming responsibilities by being a proactive leader and collaborating with my peers to plan and promote school spirit and create an inclusive environment for everybody around me.”

(Courtesy of Ellaina Saylor) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Paige Radel)
Paige Radel

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Paige Radel.” 

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Silks.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Brandon Lyle.” 

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I feel like the music department doesn’t get a lot of recognition, so I think if anyone in the music department won that would be great.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I love Games Night; it’s really fun.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “Excited.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I feel I could really represent the team because I’m captain. I knew that I could handle it maturely, while being able to incorporate everyone, while having fun.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “Have fun with it.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I think by getting involved with the community and within the school’s opportunities would be a great thing to do.”

(Courtesy of Paige Radel) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Haley Tanzi)
Haley Tanzi

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Haley Tanzi.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “National Art Honors Society.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Kai Hillegass.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe that people should vote for me because I believe that this is more than a popularity contest but to have fun and make memories with your friends.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I have never participated on a team before; however, I am looking forward to having fun at games night and participating as a team.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m glad that I got the opportunity to do it and to also represent NAHS.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I just wanted to have the experience and to give the opportunity to my friends, so they could have fun as well.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “I don’t really care if people vote for me or not. It would be nice to win, but I’m so happy I got the experience to have fun my senior year.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I’m going to lead my team and encourage everyone to do their part while showing their school spirit throughout the week.”

(Courtesy of Haley Tanzi) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Annabella Fanelli)
Annabella Fanelli

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Annabella Fanelli.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Rocco Pacifico.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I just wanted to run for fun, so I think people should vote for me to prove that this doesn’t have to be taken so seriously to win.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I love dressing up.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m nervous but also excited.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I’ve always wanted to run.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I will show up and dress up to try to represent my club well.”

(Courtesy of Annabella Fanelli) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Emma Bettwy)
Emma Bettwy

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Emma Bettwy.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Gymnastics.” 

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Gavin Albright.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I’m kind, and I’m doing this to enjoy the activities, have fun experiences and make good memories.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “The themes and participating in Games Night.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “Very excited and thankful.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I want to represent gymnastics since I’m captain. I also wanted to make great memories with my friends.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “Thank you for showing up and being there to watch.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I will make sure my whole team is showing up and participating while being respectful throughout the week.”

(Courtesy of Emma Bettwy) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Mary Stoltz)
Mary Stoltz

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Mary Stoltz.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Cross Country.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Braiden Weaver for the game and Markell Herr for the dance.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I am dedicated to my sport and think I would represent it well.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “The dance.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “It is definitely stressful but rewarding.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “Nobody has run for cross country for Homecoming for a long time, so I decided it would be fun to do.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I will be able to represent my school well and spread positivity.”

(Courtesy of Mary Stoltz) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Triumph Kilmartin)
Triumph Kilmartin

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Triumph Kilmartin.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A:  “Indoor Track and Field.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Spencer Spallone.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “If you were to have an interaction with me, it would be genuine, and I am just an honest, joyful person, so the crown wouldn’t be going to somebody who wouldn’t necessarily deserve it.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “This is my first time going to the Games Night. That seems fun, but I like the bonding aspect of the team, but also going to the dance and just hanging out with friends and just having innocent times is one of my favorite parts.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A:  “It definitely makes me nervous.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I just wanted to do it because I have the opportunity to and some people don’t.”

Q:How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “ If I have the charity of choice, I would choose to go to a children’s hospital or a cancer charity, since I have relatives that have struggled with cancer. I would fill my responsibilities to the max and in any way that I can.”

(Courtesy of Triumph Kilmartin) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Lauren Walgrove)
Lauren Walgrove

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Lauren Walgrove.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Cheerleading.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Lukas Weathersbee.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I feel like I represent the Altoona student body well.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Definitely doing theme week is really fun. Dressing up with your team and seeing everybody dressed up.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m really excited, and whether I win or lose, I think it’s going to be a really fun, exciting journey to do.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I’ve been on Homecoming teams before, and it’s always a lot of fun. I just wanted to have this senior experience.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “I’m dedicated to Homecoming week and having a lot of fun with everybody on my team.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to fulfill my Homecoming responsibilities by being enthusiastic and supportive. I want to ensure everybody feels included and has a good time during Homecoming, and I’m committed to staying organized and working well with my team and being a positive role model.”

(Courtesy of Lauren Walgrove) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Alannah Irwin)
Alannah Irwin

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Alannah Irwin.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Track and Field.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Mazin Ahmed.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “Because I will be a great representation for the track team.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Dressing up as the themes.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I am very excited but still nervous.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I just wanted to be a part of things.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “No, not particularly.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to lead the class and make sure everyone has a great Homecoming this year.”

(Courtesy of Alannah Irwin) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Stayley Drenning)
Stayley Drenning

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Stayley Drenning.”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Chorus.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Galal Ismail and Olivia Noel.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I feel like the same sort of people represent the school as a whole. I feel like not just necessarily me, but the underdogs of the candidate should be represented more.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Just being able to do everything with my friends, like having my team doing Games Night and just all being together which is super fun” 

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “It’s exciting. I’ve been looking forward to it since freshman year, and I’ve always wanted to do it. I’m glad that I finally got to and it’s just been a blast.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I was on teams sophomore and junior year, and I just always thought it was so fun and wanted to do it”.

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “Personally, I don’t care if you want or vote for me or not, just vote for who you think is the best representative, and at the end of the day, it’s just for fun.”

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “Just show up when I need to be and continue to be kind and a helpful person when I’m needed.”

(Courtesy of Stayley Drenning) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Brilynn Garman)
Brilynn Garman

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Brilynn Garman”

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Afterglo and Executive Committee”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Madison Crownover”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I’m kind and very outgoing. I get along with people well. I’m also very productive in school.” 

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “Probably the football game.” 

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “It has been very hard. It requires a lot of patience and is very time consuming, but is very fun in the end.” 

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I wouldn’t say I’m a part of the popular clique in the school, so I know what it’s like to be at the lower part of the school.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “The skit video took a long time to come up with an idea.” 

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “By participating and having fun.”

(Courtesy of Brilynn Garman) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Emma Lunglhofer)
Emma Lunglhofer

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Emma Lunglhofer.” 

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “Orchestra.” 

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Kallen Plunket.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I feel like our orchestra is not well known, and it would be a lot better if people from the school knew about it more.” 

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “I just like making the team and dressing up for the themes.” 

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m really excited. Orchestra is a big part of my life, so it’s fun to represent that.” 

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I’ve been in orchestra for many years so being able to represent that is really cool.” 

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “Not really.” 

Q: How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I’ve been trying to be a great leader with my team and being really organized to just make a good experience for everybody to really enjoy.”

(Courtesy of Emma Lunglhofer) (Charlie Kephart)
(Courtesy of Clarissa Long)
Clarissa Long

Q: What is your name? 

A: “Clarissa Long.” 

Q: What are you representing for AAHS? 

A: “I’m representing Girl’s Golf.”

Q: Who is your escort? 

A: “Ethan Peterman.”

Q: Why do you believe people should vote for you? 

A: “I believe people should vote for me because I’m a hard working student, and I have shown my growth in golf throughout the four years.”

Q: What is the best part of Homecoming week?

A: “The best part of Homecoming week is theme week and getting to participate in all the fun themes and all the activities that are taking place.”

Q: How do you feel about running for Homecoming?

A: “I’m a little nervous because obviously it’s the first time for all the seniors. I just don’t want to mess anything up.”

Q: What made you decide to run for Homecoming?

A: “I thought it’d be a fun thing to do because seeing the past seniors run for Homecoming, it looked really fun. I thought I would enjoy it.”

Q: Is there anything you want voters to know? 

A: “The only thing I want voters to know is to vote for me for Homecoming.”

Q:How do you plan to fulfill your Homecoming royalty responsibilities?

A: “I plan to fulfill them by keeping my grades up, doing my work on time, following directions and doing what I need to be doing.”

(Courtesy of Clarissa Long) (Charlie Kephart)
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