Q: What made you interested in joining the Mountain Echo?
A: “I really enjoy writing, and liked the idea that the student body would see me work.”
Q: How long have you been on the Mountain Echo staff?
A: “1 year.”
Q: What do you most enjoy about being on staff?
A: “The fact that I am part of an exclusive group among students.”
Q: How do you look forward to using the skills you’ve learned on staff in future endeavors?
A: I look forward to continuing to write and share my opinions on certain topics.
Q: Do you have any advice for incoming staff members?
A: “Follow the story procedure thoroughly.”
Q: What other activities, sports, clubs, etc are you involved in in-school?
“I play basketball, baseball, and am in the Bible study group.”
Q: What plans do you have for after high school?
A: “Go to college and get my degree in architecture, or music production.”
Q: What activities do you enjoy outside of school?
A: “Sports, exploring the outdoors, listening to music.”
Q: What career/careers are you interested in?
A: “Anything to do with music, sports, or architecture.”
Q: Is there anybody who has inspired you to be at the place you are in your life?
A: “My father and my brother.”