Q: What made you interested in joining the Mountain Echo/Horseshoe?
A: “I was on the Livewire staff in eighth grade, and it was something I ended up enjoying doing and being a part of, so I signed up to be a part of the Mountain Echo staff my freshman year.”
Q: How long have you been on the Mountain Echo/Horseshoe staff?
A: “This is my second year.”
Q: What do you most enjoy about being on staff?
A: “I’ve enjoyed the different things that I’ve been able to do through being on the staff, like going to different competitions and going to Philadelphia.”
Q: How do you look forward to using the skills you’ve learned on staff in future endeavors?
A: “I think that, even if I don’t plan on doing journalism as a career, a lot of the skills I’ve learned can be used in different ways every day, especially in communicating with people. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned that I’m able to use is asking deeper questions to get more information on things, and I think that will help me wherever I end up.”
Q: Do you have any advice for incoming staff members?
A: “Make sure it’s something you’re actually interested in and willing to put effort into. Even if you only want to do it for a year or you aren’t interested in becoming an editor or anything like that, when you don’t care about what you’re doing it doesn’t just reflect badly on you, it looks bad for the whole publication.”
Q: What other activities, sports, clubs, etc are you involved in in-school?
A: “I’m in drama club, mock trial, FLC and sophomore executive committee.”
Q: What plans do you have for after high school?
A: “I don’t really know yet. I know I want to go to college, but I’m between a couple of things of what to go for.”
Q: What activities do you enjoy outside of school?
A: “I enjoy watching movies, baking, reading, listening to music and spending time with my friends.”
Q: What career/careers are you interested in?
A: “I’m the most interested in becoming a lawyer.”
Q: Is there anybody who has inspired you to be at the place you are in your life?
A: “My family and friends. They do a ton to motivate me and inspire me and it’s why I am where I am today.”