On Dec. 20, the high school orchestra put on a performance for the elementary school students.
Elementary students had the opportunity to connect with high school students on this day. Some high school students remember being inspired by their trip to the high school as new musicians, when they were of the same age.
“Seeing the high school students play as an elementary student really made me want to do things in high school a lot more,” sophomore Lana Luke said. “It helped give me a perspective on what I was working towards, so it gave me a goal. It kind of showed you all the different instruments, because I didn’t really get to see a lot of the band when I was in elementary school, but there’s a little bit of band in the symphonic orchestra, so I got to see a little bit of the band aspect. It showed me a lot of what I was working towards”.
The performance consisted of the symphonic orchestra and concert chorus.
The performance started at 11:30 a.m., and, later in the day, the high school students got together and had lunch with the students from their elementary school’s.
This will be one of the last elementary performances that chorus director Kelly Sipes, band director Larry Detwiler and orchestra director Kelly Detwiler participate in, as this will be their last years working in the high school.
“Concerts are always a special time for me,” Sipes said. “I enjoy watching my students shine as they give their best performance. The energy they give and the beautiful sound they create as a unit are something we are always proud of. I will miss working with this group of students–both the music they create together and the community we have built within our program. Although I will miss this, I look forward to creating and sharing music with others outside of Altoona High School.”
All three teachers have had an extraordinary impact on students within the building, even if they aren’t enrolled in a music class, according to students. Many are sad to see them go.
“I’m just so sad,” junior Gabriella Ross said. “She [Sipes] makes chorus so good, and I’m going to miss her so much.”
The music department puts on performances for the students every year. The students who attend range between third and fifth grade.
“It teaches them how to prepare,” K. Detwiler said. “Having them so rehearsed that it is second nature to go and play for someone. It’s simply all about getting them motivated to prepare themselves in the correct way.”
The performance gives the high school students the opportunity to present their talents to the younger students
“I liked that it shows the elementary students what they are going to sound like when they get into high school,” sophomore Nicholas Boose said.
The elementary students enjoyed the performance to a great extent, giving them the motivation to continue to work on their own weaknesses.
“I’m planning on getting better at my fingering and my notes,” elementary student Braylyna Tilson said.