This past weekend, 32 students from the Altoona Area High School Orchestra participated in the PMEA District Orchestra Festival at Westmont Hilltop High School. They competed with students from the Central Pa area. All of our students represented Altoona very well and deserve congratulations for an outstanding festival and concert. Special congratulations go out to the following students who have qualified to the next level of competition, Region Orchestra: Emma Lunglhofer, Hannah Jack, Melissa Krainer, Jamin Dong, Lea Gioiosa, Morgan Hollern, Elexis Hawksworth, Andrea Slusser, Andrew Sackett, Gracie Ungeheuer, Rachel Kennedy, Owen Carmel, Jack Slusser, Seth Goheen, Reece Myers. The region competition will take place in February at Richland High School. We had several students earn the top chair or score of their section in auditions. Big congratulations to Morgan Hollern, Andrew Sackett, Rachel Kennedy, Jack Slusser, Seth Goheen, and Reece Myers for placing 1st chair!!
Attention all students: Schedules will not be changed for the spring semester unless you are scheduled for a course you have already taken or if you lack the prerequisite for a course. Schedules will not be adjusted if you changed your mind about a course.
All seniors are reminded the last day to turn in alternate senior photos is January 17. Provine photos will be used if no alternate photo is emailed. See Mrs. Vanish with any questions. The yearbook editor will email photo confirmations next week.
Attention Seniors: If you sold Marianna’s Hoagies and Pizzas for AfterGlo, your order total form and monies are due this Friday, January 17. All checks must be made payable to AAHS.
Attention Students: FCCLA is holding a winter clothing drive for families in need in our community. Please consider donating hats, gloves, socks, mittens, and scarves to help us warm up Altoona. Items can be dropped off in A202 through January 24.
If you are a college-bound graduating senior with a passion for the arts, you will want to stop by the literature rack outside of the guidance office and pick up information about the Tamburitzan scholarships. The Tamburitzans are a performance ensemble who travel the country to sing, dance and play for audiences from Maine to Montana. See the world and earn thousands of dollars in scholarships annually to a Pittsburgh-based college or university by auditioning for next year’s ensemble.
If you are interested in the health and biomedical sciences field, you might want to take part in Lebanon Valley College’s summer camp running July 21 thru 26. More information can be found in the guidance literature rack.
Attention Students: CARE is a new club coming to the high school. Its mission is to spread hope and awareness surrounding cancer throughout our community through different projects and experiences. There will be an informational meeting after school on Wednesday, Jan. 15. The meeting will be in room B318 until 3:30 p.m. If you are not able to attend but wish to join, the class code is hydny2c.
Attention Students: Thank you to everyone who participated in the Black Student Union’s t-shirt design contest! The designs will be voted on and a winner chosen this Wednesday, January 15 at our club meeting. The meeting will be after school from 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. in room A229. Please plan to attend as we will discuss Black History Month events and vote for our t-shirt design winner! All are welcome.