The Mock Trial team has been a staple to school’s club rotation for years, inviting students with law-based aspirations, students who want to improve their public speaking skills and everyone in between. This year, the team gained enough new members to split into two teams, A and B.
Teacher Jacob Wilt has been a mock trial adviser for three years, and is now the coach of the B team.
“I was a witness for 1 year on the AAJHS Mock Trial team, and I really enjoyed it,” Wilt said. “When this opportunity came up, I thought it’d be interesting to reconnect with the club I liked so much as a student.”
Students who choose to be a part of mock trial can either be witnesses, like Wilt was, or attorneys, and they can be a part of the prosecution or defense.
“My favorite position is probably the expert witness,” senior and closing attorney for the A team Rosemary Wei said. “Experts are given more freedom in voicing their opinions in court, and they exude a level of professionality that is not typically seen in lay witnesses.”
Whatever the role, each offers its own set of challenges to everyone on the team.
“I am a witness, so I have to memorize how I’ll respond to direct examination questions and know my affidavit well enough to take on cross [examination],” junior and B team member Reyna Ospina Nunes said. “Also I usually can’t take more than five minutes so I have to work on timing myself.”
Mock trial also challenges the advisers of the club.
“We get our case in November and have about six to eight weeks to put both sides of the case together, including Thanksgiving and holiday break,” Wilt said. “There is a lot of legal jargon students have to understand before they’re ready for trial. And of course, it’s public speaking, which a lot of people fear more than death. Teaching students to have good poise and speak effectively can be challenging.”
Both the A and B Mock Trial teams recently competed in “The Blue and White Courtroom Classic” at the Penn State University Altoona campus.
“As the B Team coach, it was wonderful for my team to experience a collegiate tournament,” Wilt said. “My team got three times the experience they normally do, which I deeply appreciate.”
To prepare for these types of competitions, mock trial members typically work on memorizing the information on their role and that of the case itself.
“This way it is more natural and puts less pressure on you, because you really know the information,” Ospina Nunes said.
Although there are pressures that can come with competing, members still find much to enjoy about the club.
“My favorite part is the improvisation,” Wei said. “You can know your case inside and out, but you won’t know what the opposing side’s case is. You have to be able to think on your feet, and when you do it well, it feels very rewarding.”
Ospina Nunes finds enjoyment in a few different parts of mock trial.
“My favorite part is actually getting up there and acting my character out,” Ospina Nunes said. “Mock trial is really fun because it exposes you to public speaking and helps me get over my fear [of it]. I also like spending time with my team whether it’s preparing for a trial or just talking about different things.”
The team, like any other club, has its pros and cons, but those involved vouch for its importance.
“Mock Trial is a great extracurricular to get involved in,” Wei said. “Members have a choice to act as either a lawyer or a witness, so people who love to act and perform can do well as witnesses, while those more inclined to debating can be lawyers. Mock Trial in general can help improve confidence, public speaking, improvisation and teamwork, amongst a myriad of other useful skills and it is an overall fantastic experience. I would encourage anyone interested to give it a chance next year.”
aubryn • Feb 28, 2025 at 7:40 am
I look like I want to be anywhere but there omg STOP
Bartholomew Edwards Jr. Jingleberry the 3rd • Feb 27, 2025 at 12:56 pm
Wowzerz! Diego looks so flipping fantastic