Junior Ryker Scriver recently was named a Challenge Program finalist. On March 25, Scriver will be presented with a $2000 reward. This will be the first time an Altoona student has been granted this achievement.
Q: What is the Challenge Program? How would you describe it?
A: “The Challenge Program is an organization of inspiring figures who strive to make the stress of school and life in pre-adult years easier. They have social media accounts targeted for the interest of young audiences, and preach their enjoyment in giving students the ability to win money.”
Q: What made you decide to go out for Challenge Student of the Year?
A: “I didn’t have the ideal childhood growing up. I battled with a mother impacted by multiple illnesses, mentally and physically, along with the stress of school and having to carry the weight of raising my little sister. Though I was growing up myself, I knew that our home situation wasn’t the best environment for her either. I did the best I could to teach her to be a kid while still learning right from wrong. Years have passed now, and we both landed in different places. I reside with my grandparents, while she is currently in a foster home. We may not get the chance to talk often, but I still do the best I can to be a role model for her. When I saw the Challenge Program offering the Student of the Year event/position, I knew that it would help me not only push myself to do bigger and better things in life, but also to influence her to do the same.”
Q: What does being a finalist mean to you?
A: “It truly means a lot to me, as I have not had the chance to obtain a form of leadership role within my last few years of high school.”
Q: What did the process of applying entail?
A: “I entered a Google form that had roughly five questions on it. Each asked me why I was inspired by the Challenge Program during school sessions, as well as how the Challenge Program does not just benefit me, but how it benefits fellow classmates as well. Then I submitted it, and the rest was simply a waiting game to hear back.”
Q: Who has been your greatest mentor?
A: “My greatest mentor, assuming in the means of an older person I look up to, would be without a doubt my grandparents. Growing up in their care, they stepped into the roles of my parents with immense care and love. They raised me with necessary patience that I didn’t fully understand at the time, but now that I am older, I realize how much they helped me become who I am today. Pushing me to be my best, their encouragement and their belief in me created a foundation for who I am today, and who I wish to be in the future. They’ve shown me the value of kindness and always striving to be better, not for anyone else, but for myself.”
Q: How has the Challenge program helped you as a student and person?
A: “The Challenge Program helped me as a student and a person by hearing and seeing their drive to help others succeed. Their constant encouragement, and high positive energy pushes me to do the best I can in order to better myself all together.”
Q: What skills have you gained from participating in the Challenge Program?
A: “The only skill I would say I learned from participating in the Challenge Program would be my positive attitude. Though I was not guaranteed to be a finalist due to going up against roughly 2,000 other wonderful and unique students, the acknowledgement of having the possibility to place at a rather good number pushed me to having hope, and giving others hope in their lives.”
Q: How will the Challenge Program help you later on in your life?
A: “The Challenge Program will help me later in my life by having me open my eyes to all of the possibilities that the world has to offer. Whether that be things involving benefits towards myself dealing with my future career, or even just the chance of entering myself to win something at an auction, they inspired me to always take the chance to try.”
Q: Looking back, what do you think was your biggest takeaway from the Challenge Program experience?
A: “My biggest takeaway from my Challenge Program experience would be the value of adaptability involving new life experiences, as well as the fact that no one is perfect yet I still can try and be my best. I filled out the form, going outside of my boundaries in order to see if I could actually make it this far, and it all worked out just fine due to me stepping out of my boundaries.”
Q: What would you say to your younger self about pursuing opportunities like the Challenge Program?
A: “Even when doubt follows and you question your abilities, remember that others may see something in you that you can’t yet see in yourself. Stay focused on what drives you forward, on the actions that will take you farther toward a future filled with growth and success. Your potential is endless, and every step you take shapes the desired future ahead of you.”
Melissa Krainer • Mar 24, 2025 at 7:57 am
So proud of you Ryker! Congratulations!