Spanish classes to visit Juniata college
October 29, 2019
“P1000101” by mkrause89 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Hola Advanced Placement(AP) Spanish and Spanish three classes will visit Juniata College on Nov. 7. Students who are going on this trip will learn about different experiences from around the Spanish-speaking world.
On Nov. 7 Advanced Placement Spanish and Spanish three classes will visit Juniata College for a day filled with experiencing the Spanish language in a different way than students are used to.
This day filled with all things Spanish is called Immersion Day.
Spanish teacher Dane Leone will experience this event for the first time.
“This is my first time going, but I know that the Spanish department with retired Spanish teacher David Poole has gone a number of times before,” Leone said.
Students who participate and go to Immersion Day will be able to hear first-hand from Spanish speaking countries and learn about the variety of communities throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Presentations, scavenger hunts, crafts and conversations are different ways the students will learn about Spanish speaking countries.
“For instance, they may learn about a certain form of art that is typically practiced in Costa Rica, or Perú or España,” Leone said.
Leone believes Immersion Day is a beneficial opportunity to explore the Spanish language outside of the classroom.
“Because I feel as if the students do not often get the opportunity to speak or see Spanish outside of the classroom, so it gives them the opportunity to see it unique outside of the classroom,” Leone said.
Juniors Cassandra Kyle and Christopher Perez are among the various students going on the trip.
Kyle and Perez have similar opinions on how learning at Juniata College is different than learning in a classroom.
“The environment will be a lot different, and it might help us see Spanish in the real world and in future academics,” Kyle said.
“I might get a hint of what learning Spanish will be like at a college level and it will definitely be more interactive. We get to talk to college students who study Spanish,” Perez said.
All students going on the trip will learn different concepts that may be a favorite.
“Obviously, getting out of school is nice. My favorite part is to see what we are going to do and what we will learn throughout the day,” Perez said.
“My favorite part will be seeing how a college is when not on a visit,” Kyle said.
Both Kyle and Perez believe Immersion day will help them with their Spanish speaking abilities for the future.
“It will show me I am able to pursue it further than just high school and it is a valuable asset to have in life,” Kyle said.
“It might give me a different outlook at the process of learning it in a classroom and just being able to talk to older people who are more experienced will be good for me,” Perez said.
Seeing a different culture that exists in the outside world is one thing that Leone wants his students to take away from going to Immersion Day.
“That there is ultimately a reason to learn a language and seeing that the different cultures and languages exist outside of the community and each of their importance,” Leone said.