“Box Tops for Education Breakfast Cereal Packages” by JeepersMedia is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Bring in Those Cereal Boxes! Student council will host a cereal drive during the middle of February. The cereal drive has brought help to families in need.

Student Council promotes cereal drive

February 3, 2020

Student council will be hosting the annual cereal drive throughout the month of February. Students can bring in cereal boxes to donate from Feb. 3 through the 28. This cereal drive supports the local food banks around the community. In the past, faculty and students have collected hundreds to thousands of boxes of cereal that supported local families in need. 

“The cereal drive is good because we are all helping each other and helping the people who are in need,” senior student council president Gianna Marasco said. 

Students who choose to participate in the cereal drive and bring in boxes of cereal can drop them off at the school store.

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