EDITORIAL: Students need to remain patient during this time
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
As the Corona virus spreads, students need to be patient with their school administration. Students also need to stay indoors and practice social distancing.
As more information becomes available regarding a timeline of school events, students need to remain patient with their teachers, administrators and government.
Everything that is being done is being done with the health of everyone in mind. There isn’t a guidebook titled “What to Do in the Event of a Pandemic” for principals to follow. There isn’t a precedent to follow, and so the administration is doing everything they can to guarantee the health of its students.
With prom and graduation, grade-level principals and even the administration as a whole can’t determine definite dates for the future events. Governor Tom Wolf has the final say on all matters which means problems about the state-of-emergency or the quarantine are out of the school’s control.
The health of everyone is paramount. More paramount than any school activities that may have been planned. Yes, this includes prom, graduation, sports seasons and much more. However, this doesn’t mean that students don’t have a right to complain or can’t complain about this situation because it stinks. Everything about it stinks.
However, there is a difference in being entitled and being disappointed by reality, with many students seeming to fall into the former. There is no telling when this will all end or when/if we might return to school, but in the meantime, everyone needs to remain indoors, only leaving their house when necessary and consistently washing their hands.