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On Oct. 14 and 15, sophomores voted for their class officers. The results of this election were announced on Oct. 16. The winners include Cassidy Klock as president, Anaiyah Crone as vice president, Miranda Arnold as secretary and Kaitlyn Lightner as treasurer.

Klock sees herself as a hard working student who achieves anything she sets her mind to.

Sophomore class president Cassidy Klock

“Since we aren’t in school, I haven’t really been able to do much of my job. As president, I organize fundraisers, set up school dances and more. I am 100% planning on running for my junior and senior years of high school. It feels amazing knowing I am the president of my class for the 2020-2021 school year,” Klock said.

Klock didn’t originally plan on running for president, but now that she is, she has many goals.

“Honestly, I did not know I was going to run until the very last minute. I was on FaceTime with my best friend from Virginia late at night, and I saw that it was an option for me to run for this position. She told me that I had to do it. At first I just brushed over it, but then I back tracked and realized how amazing this would look on college resumes. I knew I had to do it right at that moment, so I signed up,” Klock said. 

Sophomore class vice president Anaiyah Crone (Courtesy of Anaiyah Crone)

“My number one goal for this year is to make sure that the sophomore class has a nice dance seeing as we did not get to have our social last year due to COVID, and I know that most students, including myself, were really looking forward to that,” Klock said.

Crone ran for personal reasons.

“I ran for vice president to be heard. Not very many African American kids want to run for president, vice

president or anything like that because in their minds they automatically lost because of their skin color. I want to be a witness saying that they can be heard no matter their skin color,” Crone said.

Being vice president is a good opportunity for Crone, and it gives her good experiences for her future.

“I want to speak out and become our own leaders. I want us to make our own legacy because as young adults, we should make an impact in the world,” Crone said.

Sophomore class secretary Miranda Arnold (Courtesy of Miranda Arnold)

Arnold ran for secretary because she is very organized.

“Some of my goals for the sophomore class are to have a dance, replace the flags and to have a candy sale,” Arnold said.

Sophomore class treasurer Kaitlyn Lightner (Courtesy of Kaitlyn Lightner)

Lightner wants to be involved with the school as treasurer.

“My role as treasurer is to deal with the money from all of the activities we will do throughout the school year. My goal is to find ways that the sophomore class can be more involved, and find ways that they can participate in more activities,” Lightner said.

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