Students express opinions on first week of Joe Biden’s presidency
In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden was elected as the 46th president. Despite Biden’s win, many students are divided on their opinions of Biden as a president and Trump’s loss.
January 29, 2021
With Joe Biden winning the presidential election on Nov. 3, 2020, many people have openly expressed their opinions. Although students can’t vote yet, they still are able to voice their opinions on the outcome and to be knowledgeable about politics.
Some students are very in favor and feel very strongly of President Biden’s new policies.
“With President Biden’s new order to allow transgender students to play on the correct sports teams, I have very high hopes that it will allow transgender students to feel more comfotable in their own skin. They already go through enough discrimination as it is and if the little things like letting them play on the sports team with the gender they idenify as makes them feel that they are finally being accepted by their peers, let them do it,” sophomore Abigail Hurncane said.
Others are not in favor of Biden, but hope he can do the best for America.
“I may not be in favor of Biden, but I am very happy about how he chose to tackle the pandemic. Cases are declining, and I hope it can stay that way,” sophomore Peyton Daniel said.
A lot of students are very excited and passionate about President Biden’s plans for climate change.
“I am very overjoyed about Biden rejoining the Paris Climate Accord. The ice caps are melting, and they are melting fast. Everyday more and more animals are losing their habitats due to global warming. This is not just our world to live on, it’s their home too,” sophomore Grayson Pellegrine said.
Students who are in favor of Trump, have spoken out about some of President Biden’s orders being “unnecessary.”
“I don’t necessarily agree with Biden’s new order on allowing transgender individuals to use the bathroom they identify as. I feel it could be very easy for someone to say they are transgender and just walk into the bathroom of the opposite sex,” Daniel said.
Even students who do support Trump have spoken out on being in favor of some of Biden’s new orders.
“I like how Biden came in swinging. In the first few hours of his presidency, the order that most stood out to me that I was definitely in favor of was him ending the construction of the southern border wall,” Daniel said.
Eric Carlheim • Feb 5, 2021 at 11:43 am
I really like how this is interpreted and I am glad people can speak about these things with truth! great story!