Cassidy Klock, Editor in Chief
Hello! I'm Cassidy Klock, and I am the Editor in Chief for the AAHS Mountain Echo. I've always had a passion for writing ever since I was a little girl, and I would constantly be writing stories no matter where I was. Other than being on the staff, other school activities I take part in include: Student Ambassadors, Executive Committee, Class President, Friends of Rachel and I was the HOBY leadership representative for my sophomore year. One of my biggest tasks this year I have taken on is developing a mindfulness curriculum with our school librarian, Tanya Lucas. In my free time you can find me hanging out with my friends, journaling, listening to music, shopping, or painting. I also recently have developed a new love for photography. My dream college is Penn State, and I am doing everything in my power to get there! I plan on attending the nursing program there just like my mother did. I’m looking forward to keeping you updated on the school news this year. Cya! :)