Announcements for Feb. 22
February 21, 2021
Attention Students!! Student Council is holding its ANNUAL CEREAL DRIVE to support our local community food banks. We are collecting donations from February 22 through March 5! Donate a box of cereal to support children and families in our community! Donations can be dropped off in the bins in the main lobby of the “B” building or in the “A” building at the Library entrance.
All students in grades 9-12 who are interested in Spring Track & Field are reminded physicals will be held on Wednesday, March 3rd in the AAHS Training Room immediately after school at 2:45 p.m. Anyone who did not participate in a fall or winter sport must complete paperwork and attend physicals. Athletes who participated in a fall or winter sport do not have to report for physicals, but must complete the Recertification paperwork. All completed physical paperwork needs to be turned into Coach Adams in Room B220 no later than March 2nd. Physical forms are located on the Athletics website.
Attention all students: The AAHS Art & Literary Magazine, which is titled Et cetera or ETC for short, is having an organizational meeting this Wednesday, February 24th after school. If you are interested in being a part of this organization, please use the join code wumh476 to become a member of the Google Classroom created for it. You can attend virtually through Google Meet or in-person in room A213. The meeting on Wednesday will begin at 2:50. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Lowe at
Seniors are reminded that the last day to turn in senior photos is March 1. Provine photos will be used for all seniors unless an alternate photo is submitted. Email photos to Any senior who has already submitted a photo should have received a confirmation email. Check the list on the outside of the auditorium to be sure you submitted.
There will be open gyms for any 9th grade boys interested in trying out for high school baseball this year. The first two open gyms will be held on Monday Feb 22 and Wednesday Feb 24. The open gyms will be held from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM on both days at the Washington & Jefferson Elementary Building. Players are asked to use the 4th Street lower entrance only. Please bring a glove and a bat if possible. A coach will be there to let you in.
ATTENTION STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ATTENDING GACTC NEXT YEAR: Please complete your application on the GACTC website as soon as possible. Please see or contact your school counselor if you have any questions.
ATTENTION SENIORS: The deadline for the AAHS Scholarship and the Elementary PTO Scholarship has been extended to Friday, February 26. Just a reminder that these scholarships must be completed online. Hard copies are not available.
School Picture Info
A schedule has been created to ensure all students are provided an opportunity to have school photos taken at the Altoona Area High School. Students attending in person instruction will have photos taken from English classes on the dates listed below. Please look over this carefully to be sure you know which day your English teacher will be taking you for photos.
February 22 – Group A Day 1: (McCarter, Martin, Hetrick, Garmin, Vanish, Tippett-Wertz, Chywski, Flick, Janosik, McElwee, Keith, Decker)
February 26 – Group B Day 1: (Cossiter, Fuller, Harris, Vanish, Derubis, Fasolo, Rosenberry, Bobby, Lowe, Kelly, Quinn, Young, Price)
March 1 – Group A Day 2: (Cossiter, Fuller, Harris, DeRubis, Fasolo, Rosenberry, Bobby, Lowe, Kelly, Quinn, McGeary, Matthias, Dyer)
March 2 – Group B Day 2: (McCarter, Martin, Hetrick, Garman, McGeary, Tippett-Wertz, Chywski, Flick, Janosik, McElwee, Murray)
Virtual and cyber students are invited to come into the high school auditorium on March 3. Students are split into groups by grade and alphabet. Please consult the chart below to ensure you know what date and time you have been assigned. There should be 30 students per time slot in the auditorium at the same time split between 3 photographers.
Finally there will be two make up days on March 4 and 5. In person students will be called to the field house by grade over the announcements. Virtual and cyber students may come in on either day from 12-3 to make up their missed photo.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to make this work with the A, B schedule as well as the virtual schedule. School picture order forms will be distributed as students return. Additional forms are available from the main office. For those wishing to order online go to and enter code ah7153
ATTENTION FRESHMEN: Leadership Blair County Youth is now accepting applications for their next group of 10th graders who want to develop their leadership potential. Applications are available in the Counseling Google Classroom (class code zy66dt3), the Counseling office, or the Blair County Chamber website. Check out the details for this wonderful experience.
Attention Juniors and Seniors: The Homecoming Committee is now accepting membership applications for President and Vice President ONLY through Friday, February 26th. Current seniors may apply for President, and current seniors and juniors for Vice President. You may pick up an application in room B211 during the school day. The application is due back to Mrs. Schreiber in B211 by Friday, March 5th at 3pm. The first committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9th 2021 at 2:50pm in the Student Commons area (upper bleachers) on the second floor of the B building (next to Mr. McGinnis’ office). You will receive an acceptance pass via email by Monday, March 8th if selected.
Attention potential Homecoming Candidates: If you would like to be the next AAHS Homecoming Royal, please see your advisor or coach to run. Your advisor or coach has been emailed a copy of this year’s Homecoming Packet that includes candidate information. Candidate entries from coaches or advisors must be submitted to Mrs. Curry by no later than Friday, March 5th. Any questions, please email either Mrs. Curry or Mrs. Schreiber.
Attention Seniors: Applications are now available in the counseling office for the Lois Depp and Kathleen Myers Scholarship. To be eligible for this scholarship, you should be in good academic standing and entering an accredited college or university to study music education. Completed applications must be returned to the counseling office by March 5. Late applications will not be accepted.
Attention Seniors: The application for the Rotary Scholarship is now posted on our website. Please fill it in completely and attach ALL required documents and turn it into the counseling office by March 19. Incomplete applications will not be considered for the scholarship. Late applications will not be accepted.
Attention Seniors: Applications are now available on our website for many scholarships that are offered through the Central Pennsylvania Community Foundation. These scholarships are very specific with their criteria so please read them carefully. If they do not have a sticker on them that says “RETURN TO GUIDANCE” then it is your responsibility to mail them to the address provided on the scholarship. All scholarships are due to their office by March 19 so please allow mailing time. There are also hard copies of these scholarships outside the counseling office if you wish to pick one up. They will not accept late or incomplete applications