School cereal drive accepting donations
Collected! Students can donate cereal to any bin marked for the cereal drive. Students and teacher have been donating since Monday, Feb 22.
February 26, 2021
Starting on Feb. 22 and ending on March 5, student council will be collecting cereal for their annual cereal drive.
“We wanted to keep some consistency, and we always try to do the food drive this time of year,” student council adviser Kimberly Shope said. “We’re asking everyone to donate.”
This year, unlike previous years, the student council as a whole is organizing the drive.
“We’re really only doing things as a group,” Shope said.
The cereal drive is being advertised in a multitude of ways.
“We have posters around, it’s on the announcements, we have our bins around and we’re asking teachers to encourage students to donate,” Shope said.
This year, it’s harder for student council to get students to donate.
“Firstly, we would normally do our food drive for the entire month of February. This year, with us being fully virtual half the month, we just settled for two weeks. It’s also a lot harder for us to get the word out, considering only half of the school is here at a time. We just have to step up and do what we can, and hopefully students will follow suit,” Shope said.
Proceeds benefit many of the local food banks in the area. Students are encouraged to donate ASAP.