Announcements for March 2
March 2, 2021
ATTENTION 9TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Altoona Area School District Student Ambassadors represent our school district at many special community events. Students who have an outgoing and pleasant personality and maintain at least a B grade point average are invited to apply for membership in this 18-member organization. A fact sheet about the Student Ambassador program and an application form can be picked up in the School Counselors Office or the 9th grade Google Classroom. Completed application forms must be returned by Friday, April 2 to Mrs. McGinnis in the Counseling Office.
ATTENTION SENIORS: Krispy Kreme order forms benefitting the 2021 Senior Celebration are available in Mrs. Dumm’s room, B120 and
Mrs. Harris’s room, A305. Order forms and money are due by Friday, March 26th. Doughnuts will be delivered to the school on Monday,
April 12th. If you sell 5 dozen doughnuts, you will receive a free ticket to the Senior Celebration! See Mrs. Dumm or Mrs. Harris with questions.
ATTENTION ANY GIRLS INTERESTED IN PLAYING SOFTBALL: Tryouts start Monday, March 8th from 6:30 – 9:30 PM at W&J Elementary. Please enter off 4th Street near the loading dock. If you have any questions, please see Miss Fasolo in A217.
School Picture Info
Missed your Provine picture date? No problem. Make up days are this week for all students. Those attending in person will be called to the auditorium alphabetically on Thursday and Friday, March 4 and 5. Virtual students will be able to come in at their convenience from 12-3 on Thursday or Friday, March 4 or 5. One evening session will be provided Thursday, March 4 from 5-7 for any student who was unable to attend during school hours. Make up photos will be taken in the school auditorium.
Mr. Spayd has S.A.T. Math Practices Week 1 –Week 9 located on his Google Classroom site. He will continue to place a new weekly Practice on this site for a total of 12 weeks. Each Practice takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. A formula-sheet and answer-key will accompany each Practice. Any student planning to take the S.A.T. this spring is more than welcome to join.
Access Code: a 7 7 5 z f 7
Any questions, email: