Drama cast prepares for fall play: A Christmas Carol
September 29, 2021
Over the past few weeks the drama club has been preparing for the fall play, “A Christmas Carol,” that will take place on Nov. 12 and Nov. 13 in the auditorium at 7 p.m.
The drama club members have all been pulling their weight in different ways to make the fall play yet another success.
“We rehearse almost everyday of the week, and we also bring in kids to work on sets and costumes from now through the end of October,” adviser Ben Cossitor said. “They will be coming in a few times a week to work on the different backstage things.”
Other members have also taken it upon themselves to practice by themselves off of the stage.
“I’ve taken time out of my normal weekday schedule to play rehearsals,” sophomore Ryan Longstreth said. “I also set aside a few minutes each day to practice my own lines; even if nobody is there, it helps a whole lot.
Cossitor chose the theme of “A Christmas Carol” for a number of reasons.
“I believe that the play is very well known in American culture,” Cossitor said. “Although, I have recently found kids this age are yet to have seen it. I also believe that this would be a great play that would draw in a rather large crowd.”
The lead role of Scrooge will be played by senior Luke Rokosky.
“Auditions are always hard,” Cossitor said. “It’s almost a puzzle, and sometimes it’s easy to see who will fit well in each place. Picking the lead is one small part of the casting. If the whole cast won’t work, then the lead won’t work.”
The cast has expressed their excitement for the upcoming play.
“I am unbelievably excited for the Christmas theme,” junior Angela Patrarca said. “I have never participated in a Christmas play before and while it may still be September, I guess it’s never too early.”
Tickets will be sold online and at the student store at $5 per student ticket and $10 for adults.