Coffee cart continues in student commons
The coffee cart is located in the student commons area on the second floor of the B building. Students are not permitted to be late to class when purchasing coffee.
October 22, 2021
The coffee cart has made its way back to being a hit in the high school. It has attracted more students each day.
“I would say about 250+ kids come through our line,” ESP Matt Lechner said. “ It depends on the period, but the lines are up to 20 deep at the longest. The adults who work here always ask if it is okay with the student’s teacher, and we assume that kids already told their teachers where they are going.”
“I think it is a very smart idea, because coffee has caffeine and caffeine helps students stay awake and alert during class,” junior Kadyn Carey said. “ Out of all the school’s new items they have added, this one is definitely my favorite idea.”
Some students have good things to say about the cart.
“It’s a great way for students to stay awake, and it also tastes really good,” Carey said.
“I go during broadcasting, so I don’t have to worry about being late to any of my classes. Plus it is right outside the door,” sophomore Ryen Webster said.
Along with these benefits, many students have noticed some drawbacks to the coffee cart.
“I understand why it may be preferred throughout the school, and many students favor the idea, but I feel like there are more downfalls of this idea than benefits,” junior Kasey Reid said. “So many kids are hooked on the idea that they need caffeine before a certain class, rather than actually making it to class on time, and I’m sure many teachers would agree.”
Not only have teachers experienced some drawbacks to this popularly attended area, but some have also talked about how it is effecting the time and education of students they teach as well.
“When they had the coffee cart in the old A building, the cart used to go around the buildings from class to class. It is a great experience for those kids and gives them great interactions with people,” world history teacher John Saboe said. “ I think it’s awesome and so is the idea of it. The problem is that students are going to get their coffee and when they stop, they are becoming late for class because the cart is only in one location. It’s becoming a distraction. I prefer to see multiple carts moving around from floor to floor. And something I think should be asked is did all of those kids ask their teacher to go down to the coffee cart? The teachers have less time to cover material, and then they have kids coming late to class bc of their coffee, and they already have decreased time. I’m not against the coffee cart, I’m against the amount of time it is taking away.”
Other teachers make their rules go by a day by day basis.
“I really don’t have any cut and dry rules when making a decision on whether or not students can go to the coffee cart or not. If they are in class early enough I am more inclined to let them go than if they came into class right when the bell rings. It really depends on the day and our schedule of activities for class, too. If we have a test or quiz, things like that make it more difficult to allow students to go to the coffee cart. Like everything in my class, I usually just take it on a case by case, student by student, basis,” Spanish teacher Dane Leone said.
It is up to students to be responsible and adhere to teachers’ policies. All teachers expect students to be on time and not use the coffee cart as an excuse for tardiness. The coffee cart program is always looking for ways to get more students and teachers involved.
“To make sure I’m not late I either go before first period because it is on the way to the class, or I go during first because our teacher sometimes takes us down,” senior Taylor Whetstine said.
A recent email from the coffee cart announced they have created single use gift cards (good for one item) that can be purchased in B110. A lot of requests from teachers came in for an item like this, so they created one that will be universal throughout the school.