Group projects enhance education, provide real world experience
Workin’ together. Juniors Ethan Dennis (left), Julia McCauley (right) and Owen Smithmyer (middle) work on their English work together. The students worked throughout sixth period making sure their work was perfect for the teacher.
December 8, 2021
Group projects are an essential part of a student’s academic career. Group projects help students engage with one other and create impactful bonds with other students doing the project. Group projects help students break up the work among one other and allow students to have some fun with friends while doing school work.
Group projects give students the opportunity to divide work among the group, so each student has less work to do overall. Group projects allow students to share their knowledge and bounce ideas off one another. If the project has a shared grade, students will hold each other accountable for the work and make sure it is completed to a certain standard. According to the “Washington University of St.Louis”, group projects enhance communication and other professional development skills in students.
“I like it because I am able to get more people to help me with the work we have to do, and I feel like it breaks up the work and makes the task easier to complete,” freshman Lundyn Treese said.
When most students get an assignment, especially a big one, they hope the teacher will allow them to get together with a group or partner up with someone. There is always the possibility the teacher may pick a student’s group for them which could be bad, but many students would rather have their partners picked for them on a large assignment than to not have any partners at all. When teachers do allow group work, almost all students pick friends. This allows students to have fun doing the work because they are able to interact with people they know and like.
Besides most students enjoying group work for the social aspect, research shows that students actually learn the material better in group projects. According to “”, students were able to better understand the material given to them when they worked in groups; they also found in their studies that students were more engaged in the material when working in groups than they were when listening to a lecture.
When working in groups, students can use their strengths to help out the group and have another group member help them with any weaknesses they may have. For instance, if one student is a great speaker but not a great organizer, they could have another group member set up the format of a presentation and they can present it to the class. Group projects overall allow students to play on their strengths and let other students help them in areas they may be weaker in.
However, some students just do not like working in groups or even in partners and prefer to do their work alone. While the student should still have the choice to work alone, teachers should encourage their students to work in groups. As long as they are on task, group projects are an effective way to get students to enjoy school more and get work done in a more fun manner.
There is the possible issue that students may face if the other members of the group do not do their work. This issue can be solved by talking to those members or getting the teacher involved. Talk to members of the group who may not be doing the work they need to and involve the teacher if the student not doing their work still won’t do anything to help.
“It frustrates me when group members don’t work or do what they need to do in the project, But I usually can solve this problem by talking to any kids that aren’t doing their work,” freshman Elaina Pierannunzio said.
Overall group projects are a great way to boost morale for students and good for helping students engage in classwork. Teachers should look for more opportunities for students to work in groups and for students to interact with each other in the classroom.
Christian Cook • Dec 9, 2021 at 12:39 pm
I agree with Eli because he is very agreeable
Christian Cook • Dec 9, 2021 at 12:41 pm
Yea that my thoughts exactly i mean what else is there to say
Eric Carlheim • Dec 9, 2021 at 12:33 pm
i think we forget how important it really is to work together to solve problems we don’t think we can do alone, you got to show this very well.
ethan dennis • Dec 9, 2021 at 12:32 pm
eli told me to comment
Connor George • Dec 8, 2021 at 2:32 pm
Very well written! I feel like the quotes add a lot to this story!