Drama clubs reads through script for upcoming spring play
Go Go Go Joseph. Sophomore Ryan Longstreth sings with the rest of the cast as the show nears the end.
January 14, 2022
Friday Jan. 14 the drama club will hold their first read through for their next play, The Newsies, in the auditorium. In order for the students to memorize their lines before they start rehearsing, they must do these read throughs. The drama club will be having these rehearsals for months, so they are ready to do the play.
”It usually depends on the amount of rehearsals we have had, but the more rehearsals, the easier it is to get memorized,” sophomore Ethan Eisenhart said.
Their upcoming play “Newsies” is based on a true story about a newsboy who dreams of a better life off the streets. The play was at first a movie made by Disney in 1992 and turned into a Broadway musical in 2012. The drama club will perform Newsies for their spring play, and they are thrilled.
”I’m very excited because it is my first musical since post COVID-19,” Eisenhart said.
“Getting the role of Jack Kelly was very exciting for me. I wasn’t expecting it, and when the cast list was released I was overjoyed!” Ryan Longstreth said.
Longstreth got the lead role for Newsies during his first year of being in the drama club.
The set date that they will put on the musical is April 21 in the auditorium.