Stand with Ukraine
Students will be raising funds for Ukraine with a hat day March 18.
March 9, 2022
As of Feb. 28, 2022, hundreds of Ukrainians have been killed by Russian forces, according to an article written by Aljazeera. At least 352 of those who were killed were civilians. Since then, multiple more Ukrainians have been killed.
When will this stop? More and more innocent people are dying day by day. Russia’s allies are slowly turning against them. Maybe it’s just me, but I wouldn’t be battling with Ukraine if multiple countries and my own citizens were turning against me.
As a sister of a Navy sailor, I have found these invasions to be uncalled for and nerve-racking. Not only do I have a brother who is serving our country, I also have a cousin who is stationed in Germany. What will happen to them if things continue escalating rapidly?
I have stood with Ukraine since I found out about the invasion on Feb. 24, 2022. Even if American troops get sent, I’ll continue standing with Ukraine because what Russia is doing is wrong.
The only militaries who have strong enough forces to fight against Germany, are allies with them, except for America. If America gets more involved than just sending Ukraine materials, will that mean there comes a draft? Who would they be taken with those drafts?
Ukraine has been independent from Russia since Dec. 25, 1991. That was over 30 years ago. What is the point of Russia fighting over a territory they haven’t had in three decades? It seems as if Russian President Putin only wants to put fear into other countries. Many people from Russia do not agree with what he is doing.
I admire Ukrainian President Zelensky for fighting for his country. More countries need leaders like him. He is being a leader for his country while fighting one of the toughest countries.
No matter what continues to happen, I will always stand with Ukraine throughout this war. Others should as well.
Aiden Kawtoski • Mar 10, 2022 at 8:53 am
I 100% agree I think we should all come together and work as a team and start sending peace for Ukraine, and stand up for whats right. And this is just sad to watch many innocent lives be taken by evil.As John lennon once said give peace a chance.