Boys’ tennis season brings high competition
Serve’s up, Junior Mason Crownover serves his ball for the match. Crownover is also a member of the varsity team.
March 31, 2022
The boys’ tennis season is underway. As of the week of March 21, their record is 2-0, and on Friday, March 25, the team attended the Dallastown Invite. Players predict they will have a good season.
Junior Kadyn Carey believes that as of this year, they lack kids with experience. He explained they have a select few team members who are very advanced and who have been playing tennis for years.
“We are doing pretty well, so far so good. It would just be a lot better if more kids came out to join the team, ” Carey said.
The rest of the team consists of beginners who have not been playing for very long.
“I feel like our skill level drops off a little bit towards the bottom compared to those at the top, but I think that other teams have the same problem,” freshman Luke Mitchell said.
Mitchell is a freshman on the team; however, he is ranked number one in the line up.
“It’s pretty fun and exciting playing number one. It took a lot of extra practice, hitting with people and taking extra lessons after practices. I had two or three five hour practices last week,” Mitchell said.
Carey earned the number three spot on the team. He claimed, just like Mitchell, that extra practice goes a long way.
“I’ve been showing up to practice everyday, making an effort to be out on the courts everyday trying to hit with people during the weekends and just trying to focus on my game,” Carey said.
The team claims there is some tough competition between the top four spots. Number one- Mitchell, number two- sophomore Josh Adams, number three- Carey and number four- sophomore Brady Sassano.
“The top four of us are always trying to one up each other. It makes practices fun because we are always messing with each other,” Mitchell said.
The starting line up for tennis only requires seven players.
“The competition is high for the top spots. When we compete against each other it is always a close match. The varsity team is fairly close in skill level,” Carey said.
This year is different from past years for players because none of the top spots are held by seniors.
“We are all going to be here again next year, competing for the same spots with the same people,” Mitchell said.
Finally, this season the tennis team has a new coach and assistant coach. The head coach, Jake Colledge, has been helping the team out as a volunteer for years, this year he is stepping up to a coaching position. This is an adjustment for him, as well as the team.
“It’s a little different because we are all used to him being one of our peers. We are kind of struggling to now call him coach instead of Jake,” Mitchell said.