Academic geometry session offered this summer
For the first time academic geometry is being offered in the summer. Students interested will resister with their guidance counselor.
April 21, 2022
Along with health and physical education, academic geometry will be offered to students to take in summer school. Classes will be held June 9 through July 27.
The summer academic geometry sessions will be held in the morning for a total of seven weeks.
“Classes will run Monday through Friday June 9 to July 27, classes will take place 7:30 a.m to 11:30 a.m,” math teacher Ken Balough said.
Like all summer school classes, academic geometry will be held in person at the high school.
“Starting the week of June 13, students will attend in person classes Monday through Thursday and Fridays will be asynchronous,” Balough said.
This class will only be offered to freshmen and sophomores who meet the requirements.
“Ninth and tenth grade students who have passed Algebra 1 and have not taken geometry yet are able to take this summer class,” Balough said.
Students who plan to go on vacation this summer will be able to miss class during the session.
“If a student is on vacation, they will be expected to complete the daily assignments. Please keep in mind that each day of summer school we will cover approximately one week worth of material that would be covered during the school year. Missing a day will be difficult to catch back up,” Baloguh said.
Classes will be every day with a week long break will be held during the week of July 4 before starting back up.
“There will be a week break from classes the week of July 4 through the 8, classes will resume July 11,” Balough said.
Students who are thinking about taking academic geometry in the summer should talk to their guidance counselor about the possibility.
“Students that want to take this summer class should meet with their guidance counselor and sign up with them,” guidance counselor Julie Yahner said.